train your ears

Writing workshop 1L - Sara's story

dans la catégorie Literature

Hello intern, I'm Jackson, the new World Hospital nurse. First we begin with the genetic manipulation preparation. There are different types of medical tools for each caste. For exemple, an Alpha group have grey tools and clothes. Our techniques are develop here. Now I will discuss about the programm given by DHC (Director of Hatcheries Conditionning) of one patient since his birth.

Firstly we make a genetic selection. That is an important moment because we choose the corresponding group of embryon, according to his potential. We divide them in five groups. We base on intellectuel capacity. Some cells give us capital information for what they can like. Then this is the Elementary Class Consciousness period. We learn at children what they must be. That happeneds when they sleep. The Director developped a very effective method for Conditionning. A voice mutter and children repeated fifty times what the Director voice said. That is become effective on 30 months. We must say, at patients, words, just words. That is call hypnopaedia. If you want, one day, be at the bottom of our Industry, you must follow all the rules. There are another form of Conditionning. During 40 minuts, we explain their sex. We initiate them. This is the Elementary. When children will become teenagers, they will go in different school, specific at their caste. You must know that is natural to give indication to the baby. This is our job and we must absolutly aplicate it.

Writing workshop 1L - Coline's story

dans la catégorie Literature

Baby n°354.2 and still anonymous woke up and set gaping in his bed. First, too tired to open his eyes yet, he listened. The voice which was keeping him awake was still whispering just near his ears, shuch things he didn't want to understand because it was the kind of things which were boring. This voice was always repeating the same boring words, like if it didn't know any other speech, and this litany of words he didn't understand already seemed to him familiars, like something that you have dreamt and that you can't remember completly.

Around Baby n°354.2, other children were sleeping. He noticed that they were wearing just the same green costume that he had, and he found it funny. One moment, he wanted to imitate them and return to the peace of the sleep, but he thought that it would be very more amusing to wake up those other green babies and play with us. Now really awake, he stood on his legs and tried to climb up over the bars of his bed to rejoin the babies.

But, at this moment when he succed to take out a leg, a nurse came and, pushing gently him to the bed with a smile, took Baby n°354.2 back to the brainwashing of his sleep.

Melany's story "The Choice"

dans la catégorie Literature

I am ready. I waited for that day during my all life and here i am. I take my conditioned behaviour and i mixe up myself to  the people in the street. He send me the adress: it is quite close so i have to walk. During my life, i learned to imitate condioned people, since i learned my particularity. They tried on me but it didn't work. I am lucky but now i have to help babies like i was to have the life they want.

I arrive at the adress. This building look like the others but i can guess the inside is not like the others. I knock and then i waited. I ear some noise behind te door and someone open it. He is like i always imagine him: old, tall, just like a leader. He invites me in and talks to me directly: he wants me to enter in the school of the capital with the students visitors. He tells me that the director has something that he wants  and my mission is to pick up that thing. He doesn't want to tell me what it is but i understand: i'm the new guy. He packs me some things and this is it: i am a resistant.

Writing workshop. Lola's story

dans la catégorie Literature

      Big brother was like every day, in his chair with his beer and his pizza, he was watching peoples through the TV. I can't supported his behaviors, every week, every hour, every minute of my life, I am disgusted of him and his actions, I want to kill him, burn him or dismember him to give all the parts of his body at the families which he has destroyed. But I have to wait some days and after, I will become an happy widowed. There are so many years I wait this moment. But if that fails..... *voice in her head* :
'Oh nooo Elena, you can't imagine that ! You have to do it.. for you and for the society, come on Elena !'
Oh my god I am absolutely agree with myself... Oh no I don't know !! What I have to do ? And if all I think I know was just an accumulation of illusions, if the world was nothing and me I was just a little part of this nothingness. I am lost in my mind and in this incomprehensible world. *voice in her head* :
'Don't worry Elena, everything is goooood, you are a strong women ! And if you want to do something, you can do it, and you have to do it. So, kill your husband Big Bro.'

Writing workshop 1L- Caroline's story

dans la catégorie Literature

  I took my time of surveillance three hours ago. I have got nine screens to shake at the same time, but the town is still calm where my cameras are. So annoying a job. I am yearning for someone to do something wrong, anything which must be suspect and let me alarm the Thought Police. Even when we make mistakes, we are not punished and have the fun to see an inhabitant arrested. That might seem cruel, but we are all alone, can not laugh or have hopes : we will do the same things, see the same people all our life; we learn to not care about people we are watching.

  An other hour has passed. George used the alarm once, because of two persons who looked a little to close. Those are the rules : whenever people are too friendly with each other, whenever someone seems to be thinking too much, we have to call the Thought Police. That time, both were married and really astonished to be checked in public; but sometimes, we find some rebel.

  A man has been daydreaming at his window for three minutes. Two more and I will ring the alarm. He moves : bad luck for me. I continue my work. Damn boring day!

Regulating designer babies

dans la catégorie Genetics


Do you believe the pratice of designing babies should be allowed? In which context?

Answer in a comment (10/15 lines). 

Remember: if you mention a hypothetical situation, you should use WOULD / COULD / MIGHT (more in your copybook)

We will select a few answers in class and proceed to a correction

Speed debating: Reality shows, American culture and its reach worldwide.

dans la catégorie Media

ONLY FOR THE 1ereS3 and 4 !!!! (There is a previous post for 1S5)

 Here are the topics you debated on in class. Write a 15-line essay on your assigned topic and post it as a comment. Make sure to leave your name and your topic number.

Topic #1

Reality TV shows largely contribute to the social and economical evolution of a society.

Discuss and base your arguments on specific examples.

Topic #2

Do you believe that a show such as Teen Mom could be as successful in France as in the US?

Why ? Why not ?

Can you think of successful shows that could never work in other countries ?

Topic #3

“Reality shows” do not really exist. The mere observation of people change their behavior.


Topic #4

Do media shape culture or merely reflect it ?

Topic #5

Most reality shows are sending the wrong message to youth as well as adults today .


Topic #6

  Fact: Most TV shows are imported from the US.

Do you believe that this fact contributes to the Americanization of other societies ?

What did you think of that book?

dans la catégorie Literature

Express your thoughts with precision!

Here are words you can use to give your opinion on a piece of creative writing or a novel.

AUSTRALIA: The teacher's true or false

dans la catégorie Australia

Can you get a perfect score?

Click on the image to play the game.

South Africa vs. America

dans la catégorie The Daily Show

Speed debating: Reality shows, American culture and its reach worldwide.

dans la catégorie Media

ONLY FOR THE 1ereS5!!!!

 Here are the topics you debated on in class. Write a 15-line essay on your assigned topic and post it as a comment. Make sure to leave your name and your topic number.

Topic #1

Reality TV shows largely contribute to the social and economical evolution of a society.

Discuss and base your arguments on specific examples.

Topic #2

Do you believe that a show such as Teen Mom could be as successful in France as in the US?

Why ? Why not ?

Can you think of successful shows that could never work in other countries ?

Topic #3

“Reality shows” do not really exist. The mere observation of people change their behavior.


Topic #4

Do media shape culture or merely reflect it ?

Topic #5

Most reality shows are sending the wrong message to youth as well as adults today .


Topic #6

TV shows tend to reflect our lifestyles and culture.

How can this be true as most of those shows are imported from the US ?

Do you believe they contribute to the Americanization of other societies ?


Gattaca's alternate ending

dans la catégorie Genetics

Do you believe that we should allow designing babies for medical purposes?

England Has Avoided Eric Garners and Michael Browns by Doing What the U.S. Won't

dans la catégorie Activism

Go read this acticle on the following website, it offers an explaination on the US judicial system and why the officer who killed Mikael Brown was not indicted.

The New Yorker's cover, Dec 8th

dans la catégorie Activism

The New Yorker cover for the Dec. 8 issue references the grand jury decision not to indict Ferguson, Missouri, cop Darren Wilson.

Research: What monument is represented? Where is it located? 

Think: What message is the editorial team trying to convey?

12 Ways to Be a White Ally to Black People

dans la catégorie Activism


Because Ferguson is happening right now, but systemic racism happens every day.

Forms of protest: did you see that one coming?

dans la catégorie For fun

What groups are opposed in this German town? Why are they at odds? What solution did the villagers find?

12 year-old boy shot by police in Cleveland, OH

dans la catégorie Activism

This video will certainly make you slam!

dans la catégorie Media

Listen to this video and answer this question:

What does this teacher make?

Write one example in a comment. (Make sure to click on the post title to make the comments section appear).

Make sure to leave your name with your answer and it will count as participation.

to make:
to earn, acquire, or win for oneself: to make friends; make a fortune.

"How much do you make?"
"I make $2,000 a month."

Game #4: Make that text grammatically correct!

dans la catégorie Media

Make it quick and make it a perfect score!

This new game will make you learn!

dans la catégorie Media

Adverts will make people believe rubbish...

Play this game until you get a perfect score!

Your teacher does not watch TV, so she lacks inspiration. Leave a comment and write new sentences with MAKE so. DO sth.

If you leave your name, it will count as participation. Make sure to click on the post to make the comment section appear.

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