train your ears

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Fil des billets

England Has Avoided Eric Garners and Michael Browns by Doing What the U.S. Won't

dans la catégorie Activism

Go read this acticle on the following website, it offers an explaination on the US judicial system and why the officer who killed Mikael Brown was not indicted.

The New Yorker's cover, Dec 8th

dans la catégorie Activism

The New Yorker cover for the Dec. 8 issue references the grand jury decision not to indict Ferguson, Missouri, cop Darren Wilson.

Research: What monument is represented? Where is it located? 

Think: What message is the editorial team trying to convey?

12 Ways to Be a White Ally to Black People

dans la catégorie Activism


Because Ferguson is happening right now, but systemic racism happens every day.

12 year-old boy shot by police in Cleveland, OH

dans la catégorie Activism

White Priviledge

dans la catégorie Activism

Watch the video on the following website in case of problems:

Evaluation Grid - Film Critique

dans la catégorie Activism

Before the test, make sure to go on the web and read as many critiques as you can, so as to be able to imitate the style and enrich your vocabulary.

Here is the evaluation grid:

Evaluating film reviews

Good luck!

Eugene Allen - The real Life Butler

dans la catégorie Activism


Conflicts and Activism

dans la catégorie Activism

Find enclosed the vocabulary sheets of Conflict and Activism. You may copy / paste the content in websites that allow you to listen to the words.

Highlight the stressed syllables as you listen to the words or look up the phonetic transcription in the dictionary.


Homework Friday 12th

dans la catégorie Activism

Watch the following video:

Write in the past tense - Exercices

dans la catégorie Activism

Review the preterit, click on the link bellow:

Formation du prétérit et exercice

Using the past continuous, translate the following sentences:

Il a tiré alors que l'homme s'enfuyait (to run away)
Ils dansaient dans leur salon lorsque les militaires ont frappé à leur porte.
Il faisait des études de droit lorsqu'on l'a recruté.
Il travaillait lorsqu'il a appris la nouvelle.
Il rentrait chez lui quand il aperçu des gens se rebeller.

John Oliver's take on the Ferguson debacle.

dans la catégorie Activism

How much can you understand?