train your ears

Catégorie :

King Arthur

Fil des billets

Arthur's Myth: The Origins

dans la catégorie King Arthur

Watch the video again and complete your questions.

You can also look at the quizz bellow to help you:

Listening comprehension Arthur

The short version cannot be uploaded. Here is the full version.

Watch from the beginning to 5:10

from 24:22 to 30:30

and from 57:25 to the end.

You can also watch it entirely if you have more time than you know what to do with!

Corrigé Constitutional Peasants

dans la catégorie King Arthur


constitutional peasants

dans la catégorie King Arthur

Watch the video from the Monty Python film:

The Black Knight - Monty Python and the Holy Grail

dans la catégorie King Arthur

Watch the extract.