train your ears

The gothic genre: your presentation

dans la catégorie The Gothic

Click on the image to read the instructions and see the evaluation grid. If not working, go on Pronote.

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "gothic literature"

Here is a tutorial on how to post an article on this blog.

How to post an article on this blog!

dans la catégorie IT tutorials

1/ Login with the username and password given to you beforehand at the following address


Remember to fill your post's title, its category, and it's state of publication (on the right-hand side)

3/ Include a picture!

- Copy / Paste in the CONTENT (the simplest way)

- Upload your picture in the SELECTEUR DE MEDIAS icon in the content section.

If you want your picture to become a weblink, select your image in the content and click on LIEN, then, you just have to paste your link.

4/ How to include a youtube video:

On youtube (or other website), get the embed code in the 'share' section (Partager/ intégrer)

At the bottom of CONTENT, notice the SOURCE button. You must paste your embed code in that tab.


Your article is finished, make sure you chose the right category.

Click on VALIDATION XHTML at the bottom of the page (compulsory if you included a video)

Then, click on ENREGISTRER

You may access the website to view the result. If you need to modify your article, do so, but be aware that videos will disappear, so you must start the video manipulation again.


Expressions to debate and Host a TV show - terminales!

dans la catégorie Debating

Here are 2 documents to study for the final task!

1/ Expressions to debate: (Click on the image)

Résultat de recherche d'images pour "jon stewart"

2/ Hosting a TV show:


Complete this document with the help of the first.

How to write a dialogue

dans la catégorie Review the essentials

Here is a methodology on writing dialogues:


Résultat de recherche d'images pour "dialogue"

australia's national park

dans la catégorie Australia


have you ever visited a national park ?

Kakadu is a national park in australia . The landscape is beautiful .kakadu's landscapes change dramatically from one end of the park to the other

example : in kakadu has many  water falls and  little mountain

kakadu has 2 000 plant species. Kakadu has beenhome to aboriginal people for more than50 000 yers .

The rangers do a lot of work to protect these rare and facinting species . In kakadu has a beautiful animal.

Kakadu is the oldest park in australia the national park is almost 20 000 square kilometre .


  • you should not approach the crocodiles

  • do not enter the water , keep away from the water's edge

  • do not clean fisch near the water's edge , remove all waste

kakadu has a activities . Example : camping. Kkadu last year they delivered 1  155 free activities.the camping activities :go camping for a different perspective 

We can take the photos



What time is it? Play the game!

dans la catégorie Cinquième

Play the game and write your score in a comment!

What time is it? Lesson

dans la catégorie Cinquième

Kakadu national Park

dans la catégorie Australia

Have you ever visited Kakadu ? It's wonderful !

It's located in the north of Australia.

You can do activities : swimming, rock art …

Do you like animals? So, In Kakadu you can see the most dangerous or the funniest animals such as : snakes, quolls, turtles …

With more than 2 000 plants species, Kakadu is bursting with life.

The landscapes is very nice ! There are Coast and tidal flats.

Wetland making them a crucial sanctuary for birdlife. It's extraordinary!

There where about 200 aboriginals languages in Australia, at the time of Europeen contact.

Tips for tourists

you should use binocular to get closer look.Do not approach,disturb or feed wildlife.

See you!

didi et Minisarthounette

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

dans la catégorie Australia

Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park


Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park is the most beautiful and funniest park in Australia. It is located in the north of Australia.

Uluru-Kata Tjuta is very beautiful because Uluru is a red rock and there are fascinating trees and flowers. You can see Mulga, Desert oak, Striped mintbush, Bloodwood, Honey grevilla, …

There are a lot of amazing activities. You should do birdwatching, bushwalking, …

There are the funniest animals. You can see lizards, beautiful birds, snakes, amazing centipedes, … and have you ever seen kangaroos ?

But you mustn't climb dizzy Uluru.


Ilo27 et Cigana78

Kakadu National Park

dans la catégorie Australia

Kakadu is a park, it's located in North of Australia.

In this park they have crocodiles, quolls, brolga, Leichardt's grass hoppers, platback turtles and more!

The most dangerous is the crocodile

Have you ever touched a crocodile ?

It's great for tourism, you can swim and watch rock art and boat cruise.

The record of Kakadu is archeological and it's a great place because it's kept.

It's fantastic !

Kakadu's landscape change dramatically from one and

of the park to the other. The landscape is fantastic. It's the most special.

For plants, they have a Pandanus, Speargrots, kapok bush and Darwin woollybutt.

It's the most beautiful.

The history of Kakadu is great !

Aboriginals have painted on the rocks a long time.

For the visit, you should take photos because it's exciting

WARNING with crocodiles, they are dangerous !


Discover Booderee

dans la catégorie Australia

Booderee is located at Jervis Bay on the South coast of New South Wales.

It is a beautiful and natural park.It is also a great place with a beautiful natural landscape.You can visit beaches and botanic gardens.

It has a record of the most differents natives plants.There are 460.

You can see the softest and whitest sand.Have you ever touched a spider?

Because there are a lot of natives animals and birds.You should camp in the campground.

Booderee was an Aboriginal community.         



Discover Uluru

dans la catégorie Australia

Uluru is a huge rock slabs, it's located in the northern territory . The rocks are orange, with the blue sky, they create a beautiful landscape. It's amazing. Uluru's ground up to six kilometers ! It's dizzy !

There are over 400 different plants found at Uluru. It's the biggest floral park. Many animals are culturally important often ancestral creatures . There are lizards and snakes too !

At Uluru you can do birdwatching and bushwalking but the sunrise and sunset are the best things to watch ! You should absolutely go in the cultural center, to collect more information.

Have you ever seen an aboriginal people ? I think no … They have a traditional life, and they live in a small cottage

(Last tips for the tourists : Please don't climb on the rock).

didier et gerthrude

Booderee National Park

dans la catégorie Australia

Booderee National Park is located at Jervis Bay, on the New South Wales.

In Booderee Park the landscape is mostly made of forests, in these forests there are a lot of gorgeous animals, most of them are native animals you sould see this ! There are also amazing white beaches.

In the park, you can see 200 species of birds ! And over 30 species of mamals including species of bath, reptiles, amphibians and fish.

There are a lot of activities to discover on Park. You can do Bird Watching, Diving, Fishing and Boating, have you ever watched wales ?? Well, if you don't you really sould se that in the park. The plants in the park are stunning ! The Milky Way and the Aurora Australis are the coolest thing I have ever seen. Booderee in the Dhurga language of the region means “bay of Plenty”.

The name was choosen by the Wreck Bay community. Original people are still tied to their culture. In 2010 the Wreck Bay community made Australian history taking out an internationnal award.

Raymond et Hugette.


dans la catégorie Australia

                                  Have you ever visited Uluru?

         Uluru is located in central Australia, in Anago land, in the desert.   

         Uluru is the most beautiful rock in Australia. It's the biggest and largest rock. Uluru is the most magic experience.

        There are a lot of different animals, lizards, snakes and mala. The vegetation is the most beautiful, there are a mulga, a striped mintbush, a sturt's desert rose...

        There are a big mountains, flowers and dry tree. uluru is red but, it sometimes is pink. The people whe live near Uluru speak the pitjantjitjira and the yankunytjatjara.

        You should bring water beacause Uluru is in the desert, and you should take a photo because Uluru is very nice. You can bring a chair to sit and admire the most incredible        landscape.  


     Maurice et Viviane                                                                                                                                                   

The Norfolk park

dans la catégorie Australia

Have you ever visited Norfolk ?

Norfolk is very beautiful, it's located in the Pacific ocean. Norfolk is very isolated. You can can see diverse plants.You can see extraordinary animals like birds,parrots and butterflies.

The lanscape is the most amazing,the beaches are stunning.The plants are very interesting and the forest is for the most adventurous.In Norfolk,you can do birdwatching,walks,tours and go to events.Norfolk has 200 natives plants, there is the magnificent Norfolk island pine, it is the biggest plant of the island. In Norfolk, people live in houses.

The island has an history,the European came in 1788. The captain James Cook has settled on the island.

James Cook has a monument on the island.

You should'nt have to bring food, there are place to eat. And before you go,you should bring your camera to visit the magnificent Island of Norfolk.

Captain james cook monument

A norfolk parrot

The Norfolk Island pine  



Australia: Webquest!

dans la catégorie Australia



Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories: Tiddalick the Frog

dans la catégorie Australia

Watch again and complete your questions:


a flood: une innondation
to flood: innonder
a drought: une sécheresse
to spit (spat/ spat) : cracher
to come out: sortir

In tribute to the victims of Charlie Hebdo's attack

dans la catégorie Literature


Freedom, freedom of expression
And the universal right to share their opinion
Five artists, talented and insolent,
With a bullet in the head suddenly fell silent.

Even when threatened for their satiric drawings,
Never gave up, always remained standing.
As one of them said isolently :
"I'd rather die standing than live on my knees."

Yesterday twelve men were killed
Because they were determined and strong-willed
Policemen trying to protect others
Died at the hands of their human brothers.

But their attempt to destroy Charlie
Is just a failure, as everyone can see
Anger and support spread out at an incredible speed
They tried to burry them, but they didn't know they were seeds.


Vincent - Tim Burton 1982

dans la catégorie The Gothic


AUSTRALIA : The pupils' true or false

dans la catégorie Australia

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