Writing workshop 1L - Coline's story
dans la catégorie Literature
Baby n°354.2 and still anonymous woke up and set gaping in his bed. First, too tired to open his eyes yet, he listened. The voice which was keeping him awake was still whispering just near his ears, shuch things he didn't want to understand because it was the kind of things which were boring. This voice was always repeating the same boring words, like if it didn't know any other speech, and this litany of words he didn't understand already seemed to him familiars, like something that you have dreamt and that you can't remember completly.
Around Baby n°354.2, other children were sleeping. He noticed that they were wearing just the same green costume that he had, and he found it funny. One moment, he wanted to imitate them and return to the peace of the sleep, but he thought that it would be very more amusing to wake up those other green babies and play with us. Now really awake, he stood on his legs and tried to climb up over the bars of his bed to rejoin the babies.
But, at this moment when he succed to take out a leg, a nurse came and, pushing gently him to the bed with a smile, took Baby n°354.2 back to the brainwashing of his sleep.