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22 mars 2015

"High tides of the century" draw crowds in France

Thousands of people have crowded the streets of Normandy in France to witness the "high tides of the century".

The island of Mont Saint-Michel, which is half a mile offshore is being cut off by the exceptionally high tides.

Saturday evening's high tide is predicted to be as tall as a four-storey building.

Friday's solar eclipse is thought to have produced several days of high tides.

Watch a video on this link.

View of the eclipse

To watch the video go there.

17 mars 2015

Irish blessing

Technical problems

Sorry the link for St Patrick doesn't work but you can work on the article I did last year.

For the Kung Fu school go to archive this month and you'll get it.

A cyclone hits Vanuatu

You must have heard about it on tv and we talked about it during the action against hunger presentation.

You can watch videos about this events on this link.

Apple crumble

14 mars 2015

South african school girl

12 mars 2015

Profiles of French stars Muffat, Vastine and Arthaud

France is in mourning following the deaths of three of its sports stars in a helicopter crash in Argentina on Tuesday whilst filming a TV survival show.

To read more about them go there

To watch a video about this sad piece of news it's here


Work on activities you do everyday here

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