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17 juin 2015

The european day for the 3rd form.

What did you think about it ? 

How did you enjoy this special day ?

What did you learn ?

What will you remember ?

Personnally I had a good day with you and wanted to thank all the pupils who seriously did it, brought some things to taste and even made pictures not to forget it .

More about Jurassic world

Record breaking opening weekend here.

Kids not happy with movie's dinosaur mistakes there.

About Jurassic world.

David asked me to put this on my blog because he wanted to share it with you.

16 juin 2015

Verbs competition : the results

The best class is Artermis (15) the second class is Athena (14) and the third one is Gaia (13.5)

The student stars, those who know 120 verbs are:

Juliette D, Maxence G, David B, Pierrick G, Alexis R and Mathis G in the  6th form Gaia

Lucie A, Mateo G, Manon D and Lena R in the  6th form Athena

Simon P, Guilaume L, Zuzanna G, Theo A, Enzo L and Paul M in the 6th form Artemis

PAUL M is the great winner with 124 verbs followed by ENZO L with 123 verbs in the first test

Congratulations you've done very well. you can be proud of you!

The little house on the prairie

For those who didn't know it.
When the Big Woods of Wisconsin becomes a difficult spot for hunting, Charles Ingalls reluctantly decides to move his family to Kansas's more open and fertile land. Leaving their beloved relatives proves to be devastating, but the resiliency of the Ingalls spirit reigns supreme as they head out in their covered wagon. Along the way, Charles falls in love with the lush openness of the Indian Territory, and he quickly settles there with his wife and three young daughters. A kindly man named Isaiah Edwards helps Charles build a house, and Laura develops an instant fondness for him, but Caroline takes longer to accept his gruff nature. Joyous times are mixed with sad ones as the family deals with wolves, Christmas celebrations, Indian encounters, new births, fires, and above all, the unnerving realization that maintaining a stable, permanent homestead is not as easy as it looks, especially when they have decided to place their footprints on Native American soil.

15 juin 2015

A trail in my first american national park

09 juin 2015

Being me

Newsround has made a special programme, called Being Me, exploring what kids think about their body image.

It's presented by Millie from Millie Inbetween, who asks why our appearance is such a big deal to so many of us.

The programme follows four children as they take part in an exercise to find out how they see themselves and popstar Meghan Trainor explains how she struggled with body image worries.

Watch this excellent video on this link.

08 juin 2015

I wish I was ...

04 juin 2015

Enter shakespeare's world with Macbeth

Macbeth: Michael Fassbender plays the tortured king of Shakespeare's great tragedy – trailer

Snowtown director Justin Kurzel's adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragic play stars Michael Fassbender as Macbeth, the warrior turned traitor who murders his king and spirals into madness. The film, which had its premiere at last month's Cannes film festival and is released in the UK on 2 October, also stars Marion Cotillard as Lady Macbeth, tortured by insatiable ambition

Witnesses speak about Anne Frank's last days.

Last testimonies of people who saw Anne Frank before she died on this page

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