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07 septembre 2015

Just me

Read this beautiful poem on this book p 17

03 septembre 2015

For the football fans in 4th Michel

Here are the news today

Wales above England in fifa rankings

Starting school with emojis

At the half way point of her first day, Shonny picked the bee emoji because she had been as busy as one.

She was working out her new homework planner and getting used to the surroundings.

Shonny says she was surprised by the loud bells signalling lessons, as that didn't happen at her primary school.

Despite finding the new school bigger than she'd expected, Shonny is already making new friends and picked a thumbs up for a good day so far.

More here

A story about Alfy's first day in a new school

To watch the video go there.

What do you remember about your first day in a new school?

02 septembre 2015

So how was your first day at school ?

My first days were very good with my new colleagues and the old ones first and then with meeting my two new classes the 6th form Hera and the 4th form Michel.

You made my day ! Thank you !

A happy teacher NS

What about you ? How are you feeling ?

If you're happy then sing

If not did you react like the girl in the film " inside out " see the video in my article of June 29th ? Leave your comments

Do you like maths ? Play this game

Go to this page do it and show it to your maths teacher if you want.

Do you know other games like that ?

01 septembre 2015

School things

In Leeds today : the West Indian Carnival


29 août 2015

Welcome to my class.

These are great  sayings :

Maya Angelou said, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."

Let's build the right atmosphere so that we'll all feel well

“Choices. Life is about choices. I’m trying to make the right choice because I believe in myself and I am somebody. It’s not about where I’ve been. It’s not about where I’m from, but where I’m trying to go. I am. I can. I’m going to make the right choices.” Jada Gonzalez
I'll show you why it is important to make the right choices too.

27 août 2015

Introductions with movies

Watch these videos and pick up how they introduce themselves and what they say or do when they meet somebody

Les Mondes de Ralph - Trailer [VO] par Filmosphere

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