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23 septembre 2015

A grammar lesson about : the definite article

Go to this link

A grammar lesson about : have (got)

First study this mind map from this blog

Then for the viedo go to this link

This month's song

Trees begin to show their autumn colors in Washington, D.C

It is autumn in the northern part of the world.

People have written and recorded hundreds of songs about autumn. Many of these songs express sadness that summer is over. The days are shorter. It is getting darker earlier each day. The weather is cooler. The skies are gray. Birds fly south because they know winter is coming. The leaves turn colors of red and gold and then die, falling to the ground. Some songs about autumn also express the sadness of lost love.

Here is a sad song about things that happen in autumn. "Wake Me Up When September Ends" is by the band Green Day from their album "American Idiot." The song is about the death of a father.

Fore more songs about autumn go there

Then tell me what's your favorite season and why?

How do you like autumn or fall ? What do you associate it with ?

22 septembre 2015

For the 5th Pascal : Can't remember to forget you

How R U ?

Practice here.

21 septembre 2015

The song of the week : You got it

To work on your personality

Go to this llink

20 septembre 2015

Get well soon message

This is a message I received from Zoe.

I return it to all my pupils who were not well last week.

19 septembre 2015

My life in the uk

This is a new listening task for this week.

17 septembre 2015

My feelings today

That's how I was today but you were good thank you!

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