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06 février 2016

Treasure island and Stevenson

Make a webquest about the author's life


To watch the story go there

Listen to a song and work on your english

This song will make you work on the present in Be + ing

go to this site to do the ex.

03 février 2016

E-twinning project : the old man is leaving Finland

Here is just a map to remind you of the different places he's visiting.

Now look at what he's bringing with him and find out more on twinspace.

02 février 2016

Happy Candlemas day and Groundhog day

The Christian festival of lights marks the midpoint of winter, half way between the shortest day and the spring equinox.
40 days after the birth of Jesus it commemorates his presentation to the temple in Jerusalem and the purification of Mary.
Before Christ, candles were brought to church to be blessed because people thought they protected them against plague, illness and famine.

Some people believe it predicted the weather for the rest of winter.

So look at the weather today and make your forecast.

It is traditional to eat crepes on Candlemas in some parts of Europe, such as France.
 Each family member prepares and cooks a crepe while holding a coin in hand. This is believed to assure wealth and happiness until the next Candlemas celebration.  For more on pancakeday go to 3 feb 2015

Are you having some today ? Do you hold a coin while you toss them?

It is also Groundhog Day in the United States and Canada on February 2. According to folklore, the badger comes out to test the weather. For more on this event go to Feb 2012 You can also watch a film about it.

Snowdrops (galanthas nivalis) are known as Candlemas Bells because they often bloom early in the year, even before Candlemas.

You've got another article on these days on 2 Feb 2011

31 janvier 2016

A short history of ragtime

27 janvier 2016

How much time do you spend online?

The time that kids spend online has overtaken time watching TV for the first time, according to a new survey.

Childwise found that most kids spend around three hours online each day, compared to two hours watching TV.

Kids are still watching videos, but now Netflix is more popular than any traditional TV channel, and almost half of all five to 16 year olds visit You Tube every day.

Read what the children anwered here, watch them here and send me your comments

26 janvier 2016

Australia day today

why not watching  a clip of the film the rabbit proof fence where you can see the aborigenes we've just talked about.

Howard Hughes's life in a film : the aviator

24 janvier 2016

A winter song

Listen and tell me what he thinks about the weather

The most colourful cities

On this link

Which one is your favorite?

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