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30 juillet 2016

Everything you need to know about Pokémon Go

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All you need to know is here.

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27 juillet 2016

To remember all the work done on the e-twinning project

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21 juillet 2016

Theresa May the new British Prime Minister is in Paris today

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The French president, François Hollande, has insisted again that the UK’s negotiations to leave the EU should not be allowed to “drag on”, as he prepared to meet Theresa May in Paris.

The British prime minister will attend a working dinner hosted by Hollande at the Élysée Palace on Thursday, a day after she met her German counterpart, Angela Merkel, in Berlin.

To know more about her go there.

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A film to remember a childhood book

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18 juillet 2016

What happened in Nice?


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An attack took place in the French city of Nice at their National Day Celebrations.

It happened on the famous Promenade des Anglais after a firework display.

A lorry drove through a crowd of people who were celebrating.

At least 84 people have died.

The group who call themselves Islamic State have said that the attack was carried out by one of their followers.


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03 juillet 2016

Happy summer holidays

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27 juin 2016

EU referendum result: What will happen next?

great briitain leaves european union metaphor
great briitain leaves european union metaphor, juin 2016

Adults across the UK have made a historic decision - they've voted to leave the club of countries called the European Union, or EU.

More than 33 million people voted. Around 52% chose leave, while 48% chose remain.





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22 juin 2016

Recipe for sucess

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16 juin 2016

European Union referendum

Brexit text with British and Eu flags illustration

The Prime Minister David Cameron is asking people to vote on whether the UK should remain a member of the European Union (or EU).

The public vote, which is called a referendum, will happen on Thursday, 23 June 2016.

The European Union is a group of 28 countries in Europe whose governments work together.

It was set up to help make trading between European countries easier, as well as travel and immigration.

EU laws affect many areas of our lives as well - like health and safety rules, and even how many fish we're allowed to catch.

For the last 40 years that the UK's been a member of the EU, there's been a debate about our role within it.

Some feel that being part of this bigger club makes the UK richer and more important.

Others argue that the EU takes power away from the UK. They feel that people who aren't British shouldn't be making laws for this country.


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6th forms'crosswords

Try the first ones made by yours friend.huguessylvaincorentin_scrosswords.htm

and Clement__Sebastien__Antoine_and_Iris_s_crosswords.htm


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