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07 octobre 2016

Boys' and girls' clothes: What's the problem?

A video of a girl criticising the children's clothes has become an online hit, with almost two million views.


Eight-year-old Daisy was in the supermarket with her mum, when she became angry at the differences between some of the clothes on sale for girls and those for boys.

She wasn't happy with the idea of boys and girls being told they had to buy different clothes to each other.

Some of the clothes for girls had messages on about being "pretty" and "beautiful", while some of the boys' clothes were more about "adventure" and "exploring".

Daisy didn't like the suggestion that girls just like to be pretty and look beautiful, whilst things like exploring, space and adventure were boys only interests.

Her mum filmed a video of her - you can watch part of it here .

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04 octobre 2016

What are you like?

Revise adjectives of personality


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03 octobre 2016

New E-twinning project for my 3rd forms this year

Making Films, Making Friends


That is the title of our new project  and you can read is summary below.

Students choose and work on some scenes from films they like and create language activities on them. They create an ebook with the activities, the scenes and the stories. Then they write a story to create a short film to be created all together. In the story each country can include some expressions in their mother tongue so the others can learn some words of other languages too (if this fits the story). If possible sts meet an actor/actress and interview him/her. If a country finds an actor/actress available the meeting can be shared with the other schools creating an online event so everyone can take part in it.

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US election 2016: Meet the US presidential candidates


Every four years, people in the United States vote for who they want to be their president.

The person they choose will make decisions about how the US is run and how it works with other countries.

The process to pick a new president is a long one starting in February before building up to election day in November 2016.

Here is Newsround's guide to who may be the next president of the United States


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02 octobre 2016

Let's avoid misunderstanding



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01 octobre 2016

Revise personality adjectives

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26 septembre 2016

Addicted to your phone?


One in three grown-ups in the UK check their mobile phones in the middle of the night, a survey suggests.

Four-thousand adults were asked questions about how and when they use their mobile phones, by the company Deloitte.

Nearly two in three of them said they check their mobile phone within 15 minutes of waking up.

Now we want to know whether you're addicted to your mobile phone!

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22 septembre 2016

Five things to look forward this autumn

New expression for the 3rd forms today


21 septembre 2016

Happy autumn or fall

Here is a funny DIY for the season when your homework is finished.14446188_10154594271169939_4448935121722100123_n.jpg

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