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12 novembre 2023

4th form let's meet our correspondants

Follow this link and you'll be able to discover your correspondants and introduce yourselves


Anti-Bullying Week: Different types of bullying explained and more

Between 13 and 17 November it is Anti-Bullying Week.

This is a special week to encourage everyone - children, teachers and parents - to take a stand against bullying

Find a lot more on this here


03 octobre 2023

ways to say how you are


  • I’m OK.
  • Not too bad.
  • The best I can be.
  • Oh, just the usual.
  • I’m doing really well.
  • Terrible, thanks for asking.
  • I’m good.
  • Very well, thanks.
  •  I’m doing OK!
  • I’m not sure yet.
  • Better than some, not as good as others.
  • Medium well.
  • Like you,
  • In need of some peace and quiet.
  • Not so well
  • So far, so good!
  • Yeah, all right.
  • I’m alive.
  • I would be lying if I said I’m fine.
  • Happy and content, thank you.
  • I’m vertical and breathing.
  • I’ve been better.
  • I’m fine.
  • Much better now that you are with me.
  • Pretty good
  • I’m well
  • Like yesterday

07 septembre 2023

September heatwave: Advice for keeping pets and people cool

Read and watch everything about it on this page

05 septembre 2023

Happy back to school!

Welcome to the new ones and pleased to see the old ones again.

I wish you the very best for this new year. 

On this link you can watch Year 7 kids give advice for starting high school.

On that one find how to boss going back.



06 août 2023

top 10 things to do to fight rainy-day boredom


A film to watch



14 juin 2023


A song to train to listen and a word you would all like to see on your end of school report


Comments on the e-twinning project from the 4th forms

Here are the comments made after the project we did theis year on sports
4th Pasteur 
I’ve learnt about other countries
                   many new words
       discovered new foreign sports and schools
       discovered the hobbies of our correspondants
                     new people and new activities
we have spoken to many people
I’ve chatted with new people
we talked about sports and then in class we started to read the biography of Muhammad Ali but we haven’t finished it yet
I think it was soso because it was short and we didn’t do much
it was cool and very interesting
we didn’t work much
I would have liked to work more on it 
4th monod 
I’ve seen people who do the same things as us
I’ve seen that people abroad are not different from us
I’ve spoken with foreigners
We’ve met new people
I’ve learnt more english
their culture and sports
about countries
about the life of the people
I’ve written about our school for the correspondants
I’ve discovered new things
I’ve seen how their middle school was
I’ve talked to portuguese, norvegians and italians
I think it was a great idea to learn in another way
I was here but I would have liked to be here
I was able to speak to foreign correspondants
It was fun and interesting
I’m going to try to continue to speak with them
I would have liked to film the school.
 we could have interacted a bit more with them but we weren’t able to because of the compliations
It was difficult to connect on twinspace
4th Haignere 
learnt new english words,
things and I have a better english
met new people from other countries
and seen new schools
I’ve spoken with new people
I’ve talked to foreigners
I’ve discovered other cultures
I’ve learnt to be more serious
I’ve impoved my english
I’ve been able to
I think is was very interesting and fun
I will continue to talk to some people
I’d like to do another one next year

When you're not in class, do you enjoying writing in your free time?

Writing is no longer only about pens and paper, many children said their preferred form of writing was messaging on a device.

Maybe you enjoy writing texts or messages, or poems and stories, or perhaps you keep a diary? It all counts.

Research suggests about one in three children in the UK say they enjoy writing in their leisure time.

More than 70,000 children took part in the survey carried out by The National Literacy Trust.

The charity said the results showed that children's enjoyment levels in writing had reached a crisis point.

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