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01 novembre 2019

Picture for a rainy day

caring.jpg, nov. 2019


After Halloween

which witch.jpg
which witch.jpg, nov. 2019

Hope you had a great evening.

Halloween: What to do with your leftover pumpkins

Watch the video here

20 octobre 2019

Halloween easy crosswords


19 octobre 2019

To help you with asking questions


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15 octobre 2019

A sentence upon request

one small step.jpg
one small step.jpg, oct. 2019

Life’s biggest accomplishments are started by a single step. What steps can you take today?

Halloween by the Dr. Binocs


12 octobre 2019

Mr Men Halloween Party

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Happy International Day of the Girl!

international girl day.jpg
international girl day.jpg, oct. 2019

Let's celebrate the power and potential of girls today and inspire action to help more girls worldwide realize their full potential!

Education offers girls the best chance to determine their own destiny but, in many parts of the world, they have to fight just for the opportunity to go to school.

10 octobre 2019

Somebody I used to know


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