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27 février 2011

Discover London with a painter's eyes.

Click here to see some more. Enjoy.

26 février 2011

Are you like him : a Hobo ?

Listen and tell me.

09 février 2011

For the fans of the black eyed peas

You tell me you like them but do you know much about this band?

Why don't you do this quizz for exemple?

You can also read about their new album here and on the side you will find more about their previous stories.

Now if you've read all that you can enjoy one of their songs.

Discover the playlist Nouvelle playlist with The Black Eyed Peas

Maybe you can also tell me if "tonight is going to be a good ggod night" for you too.

02 février 2011

Today is Candlemas day and Groundhog Day.

2nd February is Candlemas Day.

This ancient festival marks the midpoint of winter, halfway between the shortest day and the spring equinox.

In olden times, many people used to say that the Christmas season lasted for forty days - until the second day of February. 

It was the day of the year when all the candles were brought into church and a blessing was said over them - so it was the Festival Day (or 'mass') of the Candles.

Candles were important in those days not only because there was no electric lights.

Some people thought they gave protection against plague and illness and famine. 

Before Jesus came to earth, it was as if everyone was 'in the dark'. People often felt lost and lonely.

Christians often talk of Jesus as 'the light of the World' - and candles are lit during church services to remind Christians of this


Groundhog Day is a holiday celebrated on February 2nd in the United States and Canada.

According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow on this day, it will leave the burrow,

signifying that winter will soon end.

If it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its burrow,

and winter will continue for six more weeks.

01 février 2011

He's got a frog in his throat !

Can you translate this idiom ?

In french we've got a cat in the throat and not a frog in our throat.

About frogs, do you know what the English call us and why? 

"The froggies" because we eat frog legs of course.

Do you know other funny idioms?

Put them in the comments to test your friends.

St David's day.

St David's Day is celebrated in Wales on 1 March. To know more about it go there.

28 janvier 2011

Let's go to London !

To prepare our trip you can :

listen to this song

or to these audio guides

do exercices

look at the map 

learn some sentences or expressions from this survival kit

26 janvier 2011

About one of your favorite stars.

I know some girls are crazy about him, his initials are J B. 

So if you want to know more about him go there.

I you prefer another star send me your comments.

Celebrate Australia day.

It's today so why not checking what you know about it?

Do this quizz and tell me your score?

Practice your listening comprehension

Listen to this presentation of a house by Jenny and tell me what you understand.

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