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12 décembre 2012

Our correspondants tell us about the european week for waste reduction.

In 2012, the Week took place from the 17th to the 25th of November 2012. It is finished but on this site you can read a lot about it.

With the EDD class we read some advice on how to reduce waste and discussed what we did or could do.

You can send me your comments on your actions or on what you'd like to do.

11 décembre 2012

Sorry you missed the chat.

I had arranged it all for you and you missed it. Your Turkish and Italian friends were waiting for you. 

What were you doing? You'd better have a good excuse on Friday !!!

A disappointed teacher :(

27 novembre 2012

Black Friday in the US but also in GB and in France.

Like me you were perhaps surprised to hear or read about black Friday in french shops. Go there to know more about it.

By the way have you started your Xmas shopping?

Look at pictures of Thanksgiving Day parade in New York

Go there to see some shots.

The thanksgiving pumpkin pie

Find the recipe here.

18 novembre 2012

Want to play : "if you were President" ?

Go to this site

Brave : a cartoon for you.

Brave is available November 13 on Blu-ray & DVD Combo Pack and H.

In this trailer your can meet her family first and answer her question at the end after listening to a beautiful voice.

12 novembre 2012

Second chat for our correspondants !

We were on holiday but they were working last week and here is what they talked about :

The students of class II A had the chance of chatting together with their new Turkish firends.

Of course they used English to communicate and in addition to personal questions such as

How are you? 
How old are you? 
Have you got brothers/sisters?
What's your mum's/dad's job?                       
Who's your favourite singer?
What's your favourite song?
What's your favourite subject?
Have you got pets?
What's your favourite colour?

they also asked and answered to questions about school.

Turkish friends start school at 8.30 a.m. and finish at 2.30 p.m.. They have 10 minutes break like us and don't go to school on Saturday and Sunday.

They have Christmas holiday, long summer holiday but do not have Easter holiday.
The Turkish students and teacher said that  November 10th  is Ataturk's death anniversary and they sing their national anthem and read poems.
As Italian students didn't know about Ataturk they discovered he was the president who founded the Republic of Turkey and died in 1938.
Here you can read more on Ataturk

The Italian students told their friends about school and holiday in Italy too.

The chat was a great opportunity for them to get to know each other, to become friends, to share experiences, but also to learn more about the culture and the history of another country.

So let's share with them on the same topic and publish it on twinspace !

James Bond is drinking beer !

Is that ok with you ? What do you and your family or friend think about it ?

This year Diwali is on November 13th !

Diwali 2012 is here!!! Happy Diwali!!! The event of the year for people in India and the Indian communities around the world!

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