special days
10 octobre 2013
Get ready for Halloween
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 10 octobre 2013, 17:36
28 septembre 2013
European languages for the fifth forms
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 28 septembre 2013, 23:44
24 septembre 2013
Celebrate the European day of languages
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 24 septembre 2013, 18:27
Tell me about Europe and Europeans, send me your thoughts about languages or write questions to your european friends.
18 août 2013
3rd schools feast or " kermesse" for our secondary school
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 18 août 2013, 12:54
For the third time our secondary school was invited in June to run a stand and some 5th Chasles have managed it perfectly with the help of their teachers.
Here is the questionnaire they've created and some pictures. Questions_QUIZZ_kermesse.docx
Once again it was a nice moment to share.
25 juin 2013
Congratulations for your show at the choirs of Essonne!
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 25 juin 2013, 16:58
21 avril 2013
The winners of the London marathon
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 21 avril 2013, 20:40
What do you think of their speed ?
Are you training to break your record ?
Read more about it on Newsround and continue to work in english to go there one day !
27 mars 2013
Easter in England
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 27 mars 2013, 20:10
To know ho they celebrate Easter watch this video.
Listen carefully. Is it the same or different in France?
24 mars 2013
Pancakes'day was celebrated in Germaine Tillion secondary with Mrs Sallibartan's 5th forms.
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 24 mars 2013, 19:11
To see how they do it in England go there.
You can look at our picture in the galery.
A good souvenir before the winter holiday :)
You can look at our picture in the galery.
A good souvenir before the winter holiday :)
19 mars 2013
St Patrick all over the world !
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 19 mars 2013, 19:04
17 février 2013
The green mice were born on February 17th in Gemaine Tillion.
Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 17 février 2013, 20:02
To help you with your sciences lessons here is Mrs Massiani's new site:
Now the question is how many are there ?
Go and ask her.
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