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documents 6th form

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28 novembre 2015

Upon request : for Mika's fans

I've got this article and that one but they're old ones.

I've chosen this song because I think it's the right moment for it.

This one is good too.

27 novembre 2015

For my 6th formers who already think about Xmas

Tell us your Christmas family traditions

Go to this page to see what for.

Then on my blog every December you have articles about Christmas so you can look at them.

16 octobre 2015

A memory trick... οr treat!

Can you guess the rule?

Walking in the street on Halloween night

What can you see?  Listen and tell me.

15 octobre 2015

5 little pumpkins


Lire la suite...

01 octobre 2015

I spy game

Watch the video to learn how to play it

Spelling bee contest

Learn about it here

Train to play watch this

26 septembre 2015

The very humgry caterpillar

A story to practise the days of the week and the food vocabulary

23 septembre 2015

a or an

22 septembre 2015

How R U ?

Practice here.

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