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documents 6th form

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30 mai 2016

Race against hunger 2016


action-against-hunger-logo.png, mai 2016

Here you can find the action against hunger page



Lire la suite...

22 mai 2016

Learn clothes

Lire la suite...

18 mai 2016

For my Simpson's fans

Things we learned from Homer Simpson's live Q&A

_88314432_gettyimages-452733714.jpg, mai 2016

Read them here

Lire la suite...

28 avril 2016

The jungle book

Lire la suite...

26 avril 2016


10363556_10152794873854123_4489197138544737535_n.png, avr. 2016


Lire la suite...

11 avril 2016

Snow white folies for the 6th formers today in Lardy

Here are a few picts to remember the show. I hope you keep a good memory of it.

Sortie-Snow-White-RT.jpg, avr. 2016
Sortie-Snow-White-5RT_1.jpg, avr. 2016

Another pict here.

And an interesting link from another school which worked on it

Waiting for your comments.

01 avril 2016

Songs of the show

25 mars 2016

Verb list

 Here is the list of verbs you've got.verb_list_122.docx

10 mars 2016

Coming soon in Lardy for the 6th forms

Look at this to discover more about it.

09 mars 2016

Describing people

Saying what they are wearing and doing

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