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documents 6th form

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07 novembre 2019

"Be" song


18 septembre 2019

Alphabet dance


I couldn't resist 


Revise them here

22 juin 2019

Top 5 must see attractions in London


23 mai 2019

The gruffalo book trailer


Lire la suite...

20 février 2019

present simple rap song

Watch it and see how much you can remember


28 janvier 2019

Congratulations to the 6th Atermis group 1

A 100% of them learn his recipe today and could tell me how to make it. A 5/5 to all of them and a very happy teacher !

For those who are still learning remember this :

cooking is like life.jpg
cooking is like life.jpg, janv. 2019



22 janvier 2019

Ordering your food in the US

Learn new expressions here in adding to what we did in class.

25 novembre 2018

What a wonderful world by Sam Cook

For those who wanted to sing
Now you can tell me why you think the world is wonderful

11 novembre 2018

Saying dates

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