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documents 6th form

Fil des billets - Fil des commentaires

24 mars 2011

Hood 's got talent and the Drama Ties company are coming for you !

Here is a little overview of what you're going to see.

16 mars 2011

A new film is coming out : Red riding hood

Watch the trailer

Little red riding hood by the British Council.

Read and watch this tale.

A new version of Little red riding hood

Enjoy !

Little Red Riding Hood: As Told by Roald Dahl from Andrew Wilson on Vimeo.

27 février 2011

Discover London with Flat Stanley.

Here is another interesting site to preview London before we go.

Discover London with a painter's eyes.

Click here to see some more. Enjoy.

28 janvier 2011

Let's go to London !

To prepare our trip you can :

listen to this song

or to these audio guides

do exercices

look at the map 

learn some sentences or expressions from this survival kit

26 janvier 2011

Practice your listening comprehension

Listen to this presentation of a house by Jenny and tell me what you understand.

25 janvier 2011

Revise and use your classroom english.

 To listen to classroom instructions.

To read and learn classroom english

More expressions to use in class

There you find what you can't do.

Finally here more of what to do.

10 janvier 2011

My bedroom

To help to learn your lesson about how to describe my bedroom, look at this site. You can do the exercises again.

Work well ! the text is coming soon.

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