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documents 6th form

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04 février 2014

Revise how to behave in school with David

Watch and remember the school rules.


Practice the food vocabulary with a video

Watch this video and revise the food vocabulary

23 janvier 2014

Sing, twist and practise your english.

Here is a song about school subjects and love. To practise for your Valentine. 

22 janvier 2014

At the restaurant

20 décembre 2013

Make crackers for Xmas

You find some ideas here.

<center><iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></center>

16 décembre 2013

The 6th forms introduce themselves

Here is one of the pupils' introduction. Congratulations for your work.

08 décembre 2013

Britain Christmas

Watch this video to see how they prepare Christmas in Britain.

Britain - Christmas par Iteachenglish

03 décembre 2013

Little boxes and our house

To continue the lesson let's sing

04 septembre 2013

How to say "Hello"

18 août 2013

A nice discovery at the secondary school party : Some new actors

Some 6th forms presented their plays made during their french classes. They received at lot of applauses from the audiance. Congratulations to them.

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