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documents 5th form

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23 septembre 2015

A grammar lesson about : indefinite articles

Study this mindmap from this blog

A grammar lesson about : to be present and past

First learn this mindmap from this blog

Then watch this video and practise

A grammar lesson about : the definite article

Go to this link

A grammar lesson about : have (got)

First study this mind map from this blog

Then for the viedo go to this link

22 septembre 2015

For the 5th Pascal : Can't remember to forget you

13 septembre 2015

I am what I am

After revising introductions listen to this song and find the singer's message

01 septembre 2015

School things

01 juillet 2015

The 100 most common words in english

18 juin 2014

How much more or less?

17 juin 2014

Tigers about the house

Discover them here

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