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documents 5th form

Fil des billets - Fil des commentaires

12 février 2016

Ex correction about the 2 genius Ivan and Rajah


10 février 2016

Another help to learn how to speak about the past


06 février 2016

Treasure island and Stevenson

Make a webquest about the author's life


To watch the story go there

26 janvier 2016

Howard Hughes's life in a film : the aviator

24 janvier 2016

The most colourful cities

On this link

Which one is your favorite?

16 janvier 2016

The old man's writer has visited the Italian class.

The italian teacher wrote : Today the Old Man's writer was with us: he read one of his stories, listened to our stories and answered to all our questions included the ones from France, Norway and Finland. More pics and video will come soon.

05 janvier 2016

Talking about the Xmas holiday

Here is the power point we looked at. Christmas_holliday.odp

08 décembre 2015

Nuts or crazy

Here is an illustration of the expression we learnt today.

04 décembre 2015

Read the first old man's stories made in Italy

You want to follow his adventures, it's on this link.

Xmas cards writing in Italy

Look you are soon going to get some cards too !

Film Montage : Christmas Cards Old Man etwinning 15-16 - Diaporama

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