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documents 5th form

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18 août 2013

Exchange with the IME-IMPRO de Guillevoisin

The 5th Chasles have chosen to learn more about sustainable development. One of its aspect covers  reliationships  with  others.

So in Winter they invited the pupils of Guillevoisin for an exchange of poems. Each group read some poems that they had chosen during their french classes and explained why they liked it. Then we had a drink to celebrate this first meeting.

At the end of the year we went to see them and discovered their garden, their greenhouse and their farm.

We saw the compost they make and the rare wild orchid which grow in the park and enjoyed seeing the animals even the smallest ones.

Here are some pictures not to forget these enriching moments.

A science school trip told in english

The fifth form went on a science school trip to Chauffour les Etréchy and after they commented it during their english course.
A great way to cross two subjects learnt at school and to base a course on real life observations.

Here is what they said :

We went to the geological site of Chauffour les Etréchy.
We observed the soil.
We listened to our teacher's explanations.
We drew what we saw.
We wrote what it was.
We picked up some stones.
Mr Garrigou put some acid on it to check what it was.
We climbed up the hill.
It was wet and a bit dangerous but the view from the top was beautiful.
We looked at the signs to know what we could do and what we weren't allowed to do.
We learnt a lot of things, it was interesting.

To finish a few pictures to remember.


19 juin 2013

Self portraits manga by the 5th Chasles, Gauss and Pascal

Portraits made at the beginning of the school year for their correspondants.

We'vegot artists, admire them !

18 juin 2013

5th forms'E-twinning project " Let's be tourist guide " : France and french territories.

12 juin 2013

5th Chasles's E-twinning project on clean energies

11 juin 2013

Water and health file : our e-twinning project

25 avril 2013

Past simple in songs

Watch this and when you listen to songs pick up the verbs in the past simple you hear that's a good way to learn.

26 février 2013

An oscar for Adele with her James Bond song Skyfall

Listen to it again, sing if you want and tell me : Would you have voted for it ?

25 septembre 2012

eTwinning project : Sustainable Energy – Clean Energy for the Future (5th form Chasles EDD)

4 partners to celebrate the international year of sustainable energy

  • II. osnovna škola Čakovec, Čakovec, Croatia
  • IES CLARA CAMPOAMOR, Alaquàs, Spain
  • Zespół Szkół im. Św. Rodziny w Lutczy, Lutcza, Poland
  • Collège Germaine Tillion, Lardy, France

eTwinning project : Let’s become tourist guides

13 partners

  • Bahri Hacıahmetoğlu İlköğretim Okulu, Ankara, Turkey
  • Jonavos Senamiesčio gimnazija, Jonava, Lithuania
  • Herrestadsskolan, Uddevalla, Sweden
  • Zespół Szkół w Zbuczynie, Zbuczyn, Poland
  • Istituto Comprensivo Attigliano, Attigliano, Italy
  • Gymnasium Buchloe, Buchloe, Germany
  • The Aleksanteri Kena School, Sodankylä, Finland
  • Scoala cu clasele I-VIII nr.16, Oradea, Romania
  • Страшо Пинџур, Неготино, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  • První české gymnázium v Karlových Varech, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic
  • Collège Germaine Tillion, Lardy, France
  • Velindre Community School, Port Talbot, United Kingdom
  • 45o Δημοτικό Πάτρας, Μπεγουλάκι Πάτρα, Greece

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