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19 mars 2014

Cast Away

Sending out an sos

18 mars 2014

What's recently happened in your country or on the planet?

Look at the pictures on this document to start talking and tell me about what you remember.News_of_the_month.docx

Finish the sentence

By the time we finish today, I want to have... (learned, done, found, improved...)

What's happened since we last met ?

Tell me how much you can remember about what we said in class.

Action against hunger

To read about their action go there

You can also watch this video and tell me what you think about it

Want to know where he's been ?

Look at this site and listen to the song.

17 mars 2014

The history of St Patrick'sday

05 mars 2014

Rio carnival

To see more beautiful pictures go there

12 février 2014

BBC winter olympic's trail.

Watch BBC Sport's trail for the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics. 

and for those who want to understand it better here is the text :

I am the dreadful menace.
The one whose will is done.
The haunting chill upon your neck.
I am the conundrum.

I will summon armies.
Of wind and rain and snow.
I made the black cloud overhead.
The ice, like glass below.

Not you, nor any other.
Can fathom what is nigh.
I will tell you when to jump.
And I’ll dictate how high.

The ones that came before you.
Stood strong and tall and brave.
But I stole their dreams away.
Those dreams could not be saved.

But now you stand before me.
Devoid of all dismay.
Could it be? Just maybe.
I’ll let you have your day.

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