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27 novembre 2014

For the E-Twinners

You can now meet your european friends, watch their work and see yours.

The logo was made by the Italian team.

Go to there and enjoy.

Remember Your id is either 3P or 4T your firstname and the 1st letter of your surname all attached

The password is teenpict1 for the3rd Petersons and the 4th Tristans but you should change it and keep it safe.

16 octobre 2014

To know the number and the age of your correspondants

Read this message from the Italian teacher :

I have 27 sts taking part in the project and they are 12 years old. The sts from Finland are 25 I think. 

That's a good number of people to communicate no ?

Get ready to introduce yourself to them

14 octobre 2014

You're registered for the new E-twinning projects.


Here is your label.

So far I've got 11 Tristans and 17 Petersons on this project.

25 septembre 2014

For the 4th and 3rd forms : Describing pictures

23 septembre 2014

A new E-Twinning project ahead for the 4th and 3rd forms

Pics from the teenagers' world

"Pics from the teenagers's world" is the new eTwinning project we will carry out with the students of 2 classes from Italy and Finland throughout this school year.

In this project students will:
- take a photo a month of their world (it can be the sport they practice, the games they play, the house they live in, their favourite room, object, animal, book, shop, etc. it can be the street they live, the park, the school, the classroom, a school trip etc.);
-  describe the photo in around 50 words;
- the best photos and texts will be chosen to create both an e-calendar and a paper calendar. 

Here are the aims of the project:
- to create contacts with European students to know them and the culture of their countries;
- to improve the use of English as a Foreign Language; 
- to implement the use of ICT;
- to develop writing skills in English (using both formal and informal language);
- to work together with the aim of creating friendly relationships.

 We will work with teenagers from a Finnish school in Mäntsälä and an Italian school near Roma and we will also send letters to them.

16 octobre 2013

Another quality label : well done !


E-twinning quality labels

09 octobre 2013

New correspondants for the 5th forms

This year my fifth form Euclide is writing to pupils of this school

and the fifth form Thales is writing to that school

They're ready to send their first letter of introduction.

While waiting for answers you can look at pictures of their schools in Italy on their school sites.

Enjoy :)

24 septembre 2013

New correspondants for the 5th forms

If you want to have a new penfriend tell me now. I'm trying to find some new correspondants for you. To get an idea about how to write the first letter you can visit my Italian colleague's blog.

15 juillet 2013

Chatting with E-twinning correspondants

It's been one of the new happy times in Germaine Tillion school.

My students have been able to chat with their correspondants from Italy and Turkey.

They've asked them about their every day life, the weather, their plans and their tastes. 

I hope it'll encourage some to try next year and that those who've started will continue.

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