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18 janvier 2016

What's making you happy this Monday?

Lots of people call today Blue Monday because it's apparently the day when many people feel a bit fed up.

Scientists worked it using a mathematical formula that takes into account the weather, the length of time since Christmas and even levels of motivation.

But at Newsround they're forgetting Blue Monday and asking; what are you feeling happy about today instead?

here are the comments they received

A trip's been announced today... It's going to be so fun! Zyra, Manchester

I'm going to set up my new computer, that I got for New Year today. Dasha, London

What's making me happy this Monday is that my grandparents are in town and they are coming over for tea and staying the night. Jessica, London

At school we typed up our letter that we wrote to Zac Goldsmith! Joe, Kingston Upon Thames

I was happy because I went to swimming with school for the first time. Grace, Billingham

I have just got my first baby puppy and he is really sweet! Emmie

Today I recited 138 decimal places of pi to my class and I won a chocolate bar. Eryn, Wale

I was happy to see many pupils receiving good marks in English today or being volounteers to tell me what they had learnt (even during the breaks)

What about you?

03 janvier 2016

May the force be with you...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens 2015 - hardest quiz questions

If you are a star war fan you can try theses questions.

There are easy ones and some which are more difficult. See how far you can go.

02 janvier 2016

71 Reasons to Visit London in 2016

Have you ever been to London ? If so, tell me your impressions.

Not yet ?

Need a reason to visit London in 2016? they give you 71! Start the New Year off with this exciting list of unmissable events in London.

Go there to get them.

10 novembre 2015

Chat : Is reading still important to you?


Half of children prefer watching TV to reading books, according to research by the National Literacy Trust.

It's not just books children are putting down, they say that fewer kids are reading comics, magazines and even websites too.

The charity says it's worrying because research shows that young people who do extra reading everyday have a higher level of achievement than those that don't.

What is it like in your class? Who reads what? How much do you read? When do you read?  What makes you read?

06 octobre 2015

Brothers and sisters

Watch this video and read the article then send me your comments about the subject

You can also listen to this song and post your reactions to it

23 septembre 2015

This month's song

Trees begin to show their autumn colors in Washington, D.C

It is autumn in the northern part of the world.

People have written and recorded hundreds of songs about autumn. Many of these songs express sadness that summer is over. The days are shorter. It is getting darker earlier each day. The weather is cooler. The skies are gray. Birds fly south because they know winter is coming. The leaves turn colors of red and gold and then die, falling to the ground. Some songs about autumn also express the sadness of lost love.

Here is a sad song about things that happen in autumn. "Wake Me Up When September Ends" is by the band Green Day from their album "American Idiot." The song is about the death of a father.

Fore more songs about autumn go there

Then tell me what's your favorite season and why?

How do you like autumn or fall ? What do you associate it with ?

03 septembre 2015

Starting school with emojis

At the half way point of her first day, Shonny picked the bee emoji because she had been as busy as one.

She was working out her new homework planner and getting used to the surroundings.

Shonny says she was surprised by the loud bells signalling lessons, as that didn't happen at her primary school.

Despite finding the new school bigger than she'd expected, Shonny is already making new friends and picked a thumbs up for a good day so far.

More here

02 septembre 2015

So how was your first day at school ?

My first days were very good with my new colleagues and the old ones first and then with meeting my two new classes the 6th form Hera and the 4th form Michel.

You made my day ! Thank you !

A happy teacher NS

What about you ? How are you feeling ?

If you're happy then sing

If not did you react like the girl in the film " inside out " see the video in my article of June 29th ? Leave your comments

Do you like maths ? Play this game

Go to this page do it and show it to your maths teacher if you want.

Do you know other games like that ?

23 juin 2015

Does this squirrel make you smile?

This shot has been named as the world's happiest picture.
Experts say the reason we like it so much is because it has four of the things we usually like - cute things, calm landscapes, smiles and just a little bit of surprise. More here.

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