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avril 2016

28 avril 2016

The jungle book

Learning vocabulary

26 avril 2016

The suffragettes


Earth day

23 avril 2016

William Shakespeare died 400 years ago today

22 avril 2016

An ad for the holiday

Relax during the holiday

6th and 5th formers revise your english and get ready for the big challenge

14 avril 2016

Today, tomorrow ...

what matters

11 avril 2016

Last song to prepare the show

5th song

4th song

3rd song of the show

2nd song of the 4th forms show

My Mum's generation : A song in the show

Snow white folies for the 6th formers today in Lardy

07 avril 2016

E-twinning chat between Norway and Italy

04 avril 2016


01 avril 2016

Mary had a little lamb

Songs of the show

Brighton in the rain

Why do we have Easter eggs and the Easter Bunny?