Par Nelly Sallibartan (Collège Germaine Tillion (91)) le 24 juin 2024, 10:57
This year 3 4th form classes have taken part to an E-twinning project called "Read to travel".
They have introduced themselves and presented their school and towns to their european partners from Italy, Norway and Portugal.
Them they have read a common book with their friends " around the world in 6O days " .
Finally they have chosen a book about travels and presented it to make their correspondant guess the title.
To conclude they have created a logo for the project and sent an evaluation and goodbye messages.
All their work was shared on Twinspace and on padlets.
As usual the comments were very good and many want to continue to work this way.
Here is a presentation of the project in French made by a 6 former at the school library