Enregistrement audio d'euro sur Jack and the Leprechaun- Bastien Cauchie 3ème1


Histoire gothique - Bastien Cauchie 3ème1




Histoire gothique euro LCE :


One evening of October 31, 1996, four young people named David, Edgar, Alex and Dany went to a cemetery to celebrate the passage from October 31 to November 1. Every year since 1994, they used to come to this cemetery on the evening of October 31. They settled in a place where there were no grave, an empty place and put their things down. It was 11.59 pm « Five ! Four ! Three ! Two ! One!», they claimed. « DONG ! ». « What, said David, what is happening ? ». « My watch indicate 11.60 pm, says Alex ». « What, said Edgar, what the hell is this ? ». The four young people were amazed. They looked at their watch and noticed that the time was blocked at 11.60 pm. Suddenly, a voice surprised them : it was the thunder’s monster : « What are you doing here, he said, you are installed in the sacred place of the cemetery ». « Oh no guys, said Edgar, are you kidding me ? ». « Shut up, said the monster, you don’t have to settle here ! As long as you are in the cemetery, the time is stopped. To be able to see the light of day again, you have to leave the cemetery. And to get out of the cemetery, you have to pass three tests. The first test is the test of truth, the second test is the test of intelligence, and the third test is the test of courage. Good luck everyone, or rather, bad luck ! ».


« The first test, said the monster, is the test of truth. You will have to tell me each your address and tell me who knows you are here. You only need one lie to immediately die. We start with you ». The monster points to Edgar. Edgar replied that nobody knows that he's here. Suddenly, a lightning striked him and Edgar fell dead in front of his three friends. « You see, said the monster, it's like that if you lie. ». David, Alex and Dany could't believe their eyes, they were shocked. The monster laughed and pointed to David for the rest of the test. David, terrified, said : « Uh… I live uh… at the end of the Martyres street and uh… it's only my mother who knows that I'm here. ». « Good», said the monster who then pointed to Alex.  Alex was not very scared : « I also live at the end of the Martyres street and nobody knows that I’m here ». The monster finally pointed to Dany : « in fact, there are my two parents who know that I’m here and I live in the neighboring town in the rue Nights street ». « Good, the monster continued, I see you have passed the test. You have two tests left. ».


« The second test, said the monster, is the test of intelligence. You have in front of you three different labyrinths on three sheets. If you superimpose the three sheets, a path is repeated three times and you have to engrave the path on the three sheets with a knife. The only constraint : you are not allowed to superimpose the sheets. You have five minutes, be strategic. Go ! ». The three friends talked to each other, they looked attentively at the labyrinths. They were stressed because the three mazes were extremely complicated. « It's too complicated, shouts Dany, we're never going to get there ! ». The three friends seeked, consulted together, started new strategies. But the five minutes passed. « You have one minute left, said the monster, you have to engrave the paths on the three sheets. Suddenly, David took the knife and engraved the three paths. His shocked friends looked at him. The monster approached and looked carefully the three sheets. « This is a successful test, said the monster, you only have one test left. ».


« The third and final test, said the monster, is the test of courage. This is the fastest but also the most complicated. In a minute, you will designate a person who will be sacrificed to free you. The person chosen by the majority will die instantly. If someone designates himself, he immediately dies and the test is over. If after a minute no one is designated, you all die. » The three friends looked at each other. « You know guys, said Dany, I will designate myself. But before that, I would like to thank you. I had the best time of my life with you, and now it's my turn to do help you. ». The three friends cried. They didn't want to name anyone. Dany turned around, ready to yell his name at the monster. But in a final rush, David, who wasn't able to take the pressure he is under, ran towards the monster and shouted his name. Suddenly, an arrow pierced David's heart. David fell to the ground on his back. His two friends yell and cry. After fifteen seconds, David's heart opens and an extremely powerful light comes out. Alex and Dany, dazzled, close their eyes. When they reopen them, it’s the day, the monster has disappeared, the bodies of David and Edgar are not here, there are now two graves under their belongings.

"That's what Leprechauns do" by Eve Bunting - Jfenet

Jeanne Fenet 3eme1


"That's what Leprechauns do" by Eve Bunting - Mrocca

Margaux Rocca 3eme1

Here is my oral reformulation of the Eve Bunting legend.

Gothic story Gabrielle Magniez

The accident


       It was a stormy night of 1969, when a couple and their young child decided to go on vacation. They took their car and left their home. They were alone. They tried to be careful because of a storm but the man fell asleep in the middle of the road. The car drove out of the road and turn itself in the air. When all was stopped, the woman look around to see if everybody was fine. That’s when she saw her son. He had a big piece of glass in his head. Blood was everywhere. He was dead. The woman started crying and screaming in pain. Her husband woke up and started crying when he saw his dead son. They both went out of the car and fell in pain. Then they heard footsteps and saw a weird silhouette holding a lantern. They looked at it with fear in their eyes. It was coming closer and closer. A man appeared. He came next to the woman and started talking : “Are you okay ? There is no need to be scared, I’m here to help. My name is Roger. I heard a scream so I decided to come and see. I live in the old castle right over there” He showed her his castle and started talking again : “You can come with me there. You and your husband, you can come and stay for the night. You need a good night of sleep.” They all started walking, the woman was holding her dead son, still crying. The husband started talking to Roger : “My name is Anthony and my wife is Mary. Our son is … was Logan. We will never thank you enough for your help.” Then they all continued their walk without talking.

        When they finally arrived, they discovered an old and big castle. It was dark inside. There was a big fireplace but no fire in it. The man showed the couple a room so they could sleep. The room was almost empty, there was just a bed and a mirror. They put their dead son on the bed and then the man called them for dinner. There was a lot of food but nobody really wanted to eat. Nobody was talking. Then they heard a big voice coming from upstairs. It was calling Roger. Roger left the table and came back after a minute. He explained that it was his father. He said that he was sick and couldn’t go out of his bed. Anthony and Mary would have liked to know more but Roger didn’t want to talk about it.

       After dinner, they all left and went to their room. When the couple went back to theirs, they saw that the body of their son was not there anymore. They started looking everywhere in the room when they heard strange noises. It was in the castle but they couldn’t figure out what it was. They wanted to know. Maybe Roger had taken their son. They went out of the room and heard voices. They heard two different people whispering. The voices were from a dark and scary tunnel. They looked at each other with panic in their eyes. Then they heard another voice. A familiar one. It was their son’s voice. Mary ran in the tunnel to find her son. Anthony couldn’t believe it was him. He was dead. He tried to believe that maybe it was real when he heard Mary screaming. He ran in the tunnel as she had done before. He ran for a long time but never found his wife. He stopped running. He heard another scream and started running again. He was closer and closer but he didn’t know where he was. He arrived in front of a door. He was going to go in but something stopped him. It was a little and tiny hand on his leg. He turn to see who was touching him and fell back. It was Logan. He still had this big and bloody piece of glass in his head but he was alive. He was awake, moving, he even talked. He told his father to follow him, that he was going to show him where his mother was. Anthony couldn’t say no. He followed his dead but alive son to a terrifying dark room. He looked everywhere but Mary was not anywhere. He turned to ask his son where she was but Logan was not there anymore. Logan and Mary weren’t here but Roger and an old man were. Anthony didn’t understand. He asked Roger what was going on. The old man answered : “Welcome Anthony. May I show you the last room you will ever see.”

       One hour later, Anthony was still in the room. He was tied to a chair. He was alone. He didn’t know where Mary was. Everthing was quiet when a scream of pain broke the silence. It was Mary. She screamed for about thirty seconds then stopped. She never screamed again. Anthony heard footsteps coming. Roger opened the door and the old man came in. Anthony was enraged and afraid at the same time. He asked what had happened to Mary and with his cold and creepy voice, the old man answered : “Well young man, your wife is loosing her blood in the room next to this one. She’s brave you know. Brave but unfortunately a little stupid either. But don’t worry, you’ll see her again. When you will be both dead".

  • You’re a monster, said Anthony.
  • Oh dear. I am a monster. I’m what they call a vampire. That’s why I’m taking your wife’s blood. To drink it. And, don't worry, I’ll take yours too.
  • You’re not a vampire, replied Anthony. Vampires don’t exist. They’re imaginary beings, creatures. You, you’re just a madman, a psycopath.

Anthony was wrong. The old man was surely mad but he was really a vampire. That’s why there was no fire in the fireplace. That’s why it was always dark in the castle. When Anthony realized he was going to die, he yelled at the old man. Without caring about what he was saying, the old man told Roger to cut Anthony’s wrists.

       Mary and Anthony died. Roger put their blood in bowls so the vampire could drink it. The legend says that the two lovers are still looking for each other and that their ghosts meet every evening in the castle hall.

The End

Twisted Fairy Tale Gabrielle & Alexandra

MAGNIEZ Gabrielle and MOLINARO Alexandra 


As soon as Wolf began to feel                                                                                                                                            That he would like a decent meal,                                                                                                                                        He broke Grandma’s door and went in.                                                                                                                          When he saw her she was dancing,                                                                                                                                    She was recording a TikTok,                                                                                                                                          Wearing a usual long red top.                                                                                                                                              Poor Grandmamma was terrified,                                                                                                                                        "He's going to eat me up !" she cried.

She started to cry in a great fright.                                                                                                                                    He ate her up in one big bite.                                                                                                                                          Then Grandma’s dear girl arrived in red.                                                                                                                         She stopped, she stared and then she said                                                                                                            "Where is my Grandma", she desperately cried.                                                                                                          "Oh she left dear" the Wolf replied                                                                                                                               "But I can tell you where she is,                                                                                                                                        Just come closer to me my dear"

The nice little girl stepped backwards.                                                                                                                            The Wolf’s big belly looked awkward.                                                                                                                             The young girl began to chitchat,                                                                                                                                   After she had realised that,                                                                                                                                                Her Grandma had been eaten up.                                                                                                                                    The girl was about to throw up.                                                                                                                              Suddenly she got an idea,                                                                                                                                              Based on what she saw in Korea.

Little Red Riding Hood yelled                                                                                                                                           "You can dance grandmamma, just dance"                                                                                                                  Wolf started not to feel so good.                                                                                                                                       Do not move, the Wold knew he should.                                                                                                                         He felt as if he was being cut,                                                                                                                                             Like a tropical coconut,                                                                                                                                              Without knowing he really was.                                                                                                                                     That changed when Grandmamma went out.

The Wolf’s belly was cut in two,                                                                                                                             Grandma thought of something to cook.                                                                                                                        She grabbed her phone and her grandchild                                                                                                                     And they began a TikTok live.                                                                                                                                            She went in the kitchen and smiled,                                                                                                                                She said "Welcome to Grandma’s life !"                                                                                                                        They cooked the Wolf and took some plates                                                                                                               Then called some friends for a happy end.

Gothic story Jeanne Fenet

The end of the Varga dynasty


It was a dark autumn night of 1846, in the Carpathians. The silence was heavy, sinister, deadly… Suddenly a storm burst out. The wind was blowing through the trees of the thick forest and lightnings were ripping out the sky. Then, covering the raging thunder, a terrible scream rose up from the castle high up on the mountain.

            This castle was made of massive stones. It projected over an abrupt ravine. The doors were extremely massive as well, they hardly-ever opened. Nobody knew who lived there. Rumours were running that it was an old rich and bitter man, or a captive gracious lady. But in reality, this castle was the home of Sir Andrassy Varga, only survivor of the Varga dynasty who had inhabited this place for centuries. Sir Varga rarely went out of his room and never went outside the walls of the fort.

            This night, Sir Varga screamed from his gigantic room located on the last floor of the northern tower, at the top of spinning stairs made of stone and covered in dusty crimson velvet. He screamed at the top of his lungs, covered with blood, staring at the creature standing in front of him with frightened eyes.

            Earlier this October 23rd, 1846, at around 9pm Sir Varga was writing on his desk, by the only little window who let a white thin trickle of light into the room that lightened the painted portrait of his older brother, Sir Zsigmond Varga.

Exactly ten years before this, all the Vargas, from Sir Andrassy’s great uncle to his nieces, except of course, Sir Andrassy himself, had been killed by the blade of Pavlo Vadymovytch Kravtchenko, their all-time enemy. The Kravtchenkos once had a lot of debts towards the Vargas, so they slowly gave them everything they had. Pavlo always wanted to take back from the Vargas what he thought was his.

Kravtchenko, once invited for dinner at the Varga’s castle to try to solve their conflict and instaure acquaintance, got out of his mind for an unknown reason and savagely slaughtered all the women and children in the castle, including the maids. It was an awful massacre. The crimson blood married the velvet. Then each man, including the servants defied Kravtchenko in a sword duel. The evil personage trans pierced every single one of them, without pity. Zsigmond was now alone in the deadly room with the murderer, his little brother was in Paris. It was his turn to try to avenge his family, assassinated right in front of him in the cruellest bloodbath that had probably ever been. He fought this monster of a man with all the anger and rage of the world, he battled courageously, like a knight from the Middle-Age. The duel went more and more intense. Then, at the exact same instant, both swords pierced through the enemy’s stomach. The corpses fell to the floor. Zsigmond died peacefully, knowing that he had avenged his family, but Pavlo seemed tortured: he had been killed and he hadn’t taken back his family’s goods. There was more than that. His eyes that still looked full of rage, anger and madness were staring at a portrait of Andrassy. A Varga was still alive.

            When Sir Andrassy Varga came home, he found the horrific murder scene. The bodies had started rotting. The smell was unbearable. He fell on his knees and cried his family for days, weeks, months. He had lived the past ten years without going out of his room, writing the memories of the Vargas. He was broken and couldn’t recover from the horror he had seen. He was all alone, him, who was a young man full of joy and dreams. He hadn’t spoken for ten years, not even to the only person who stayed with him, a young girl he met in Paris that he had brought back home to be his new maid. She cooked him his meal and brought them to his door. The poor girl was feeling extremely lonely but didn’t want to leave her master alone after all he had been through. Both of them had probably lost the ability to speak.

            So earlier this October 23rd, 1846, at exactly ten years after the massacre, at around nine in the evening, Sir Varga was writing the memories of his family, when he felt like something wasn’t right. He turned his head and saw the painting of his brother moving slowly, then faster and faster. All the portraits of his family members in the room were moving, according to the loud, percussing noise that made the walls shake, all the portraits of the castle were moving. Sir Varga went crazy, he was talking to the paintings, suddenly believing his family was alive. The maid, awaken by the noise, looked through the lock of his door but was too terrified to enter his room.

            At ten at night, the storm burst out, the window of Sir Varga’s room opened, and a white, living creature entered, holding a bloody sword and hit Andrassy in the stomach with it. He let out a deadly scream. Pavlo Vadymovytch Kravtchenko’s ghost laughed of an evil, demonic laugh. Then, he scratched every portrait of the Vargas with his blade, took, nobody knows how, everything that had belonged to his family, then left, still laughing.

            Sir Andrassy Varga, agonizing on the crimson velvet took his last breath. But then, as he thought he was entering heaven, he looked around him, and saw every single room of his castle, that he hadn’t seen in ten years. All simultaneously. He was stuck each painting of himself, along with his family.

            The maid, who had seen all of this was frightened. But her master was dead, so she could get out of this haunted place. Since then, she had been telling the story of the end of the Varga dynasty. Nobody believed her, but it stayed as a legend in the mysterious Carpathians.

Little red riding hood - Jeanne Fenet Margaux Rocca Coline Varin

A parody of the famous tale "Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf" by Jeanne Fenet, Margaux Rocca and Coline Varin.

Lire la suite...

Légendes, Expression orale, Owen CLAUZEL



            Jack Mouse comes to Ireland to visit his cousins, his aunt and his uncle. His cousin Sean comes and gets him when he arrives. He is very smiling and happy to see his cousin again. On their way home, Sean talks to him about St Patrick’s Day, because even if he came for it, Jack didn’t know much about it.

            He first explained to him what he’ll find and what they’ll do at the party.

He then talked to him about Liam the Leprechaun. He told him a legend saying every St Patrick’s Day, Liam the Leprechaun appears with a pot of gold in one hand and a stout oak club in the other. He added that legends told that if somebody manages to catch the little green leprechaun, this one would have to give him his entire pot of gold.

            When they finally arrived there, Jack found Aunt Brid, Uncle Fergal and all his cousins preparing the party. After greeting them all, Jack decided to help and his aunt Brid told him to go out in the forest and fill a basket with shamrocks, the symbol of St Patrick’s Day.

            While he was filling his basket, Jack saw Liam the leprechaun. He immediately went running after him, trying to catch him. But at a moment, he unfortunately runs into his uncle Fergal, and Liam runs away.

            A bit later, his uncle decided to present him people in town : there was Mrs Murphy preparing the traditional soda bread, Mr O’Brian getting the children ready for the parade, and finally Miss Fitzgerald knitting a green sweater for the occasion. Jack thought that all these persons shouldn’t waste their time and that they should go and catch Liam, but his uncle sais to him that he doesn’t exist, that’s why nobody’s looking for him… Jack is however convinced of his existence.

            Suddenly, he looks at the forest and see’s once more the little leprechaun. So, he goes purchasing him again. He finally manages to catch Liam the Leprechaun. However, he quickly realizes that it is in fact his cousin, Sean, who was just making him a joke. He was actually dressed just like a real leprechaun.

            To conclude, it was only a joke and uncle Fergal was write, Liam didn’t exist.

What if…

Later in the evening, when Sean and Jack open the door, they find in front of it a pot of cheese, “From Liam the Leprechaun”.



Twisted Fairy Tail, CLAUZEL Owen FABRE Thomas CAUCHIE Bastien MACHE Melchior

As soon as wolf began to feel

That he would like a decent meal,


He knocked on Grandma’s bedroom door

And found her sleeping like a bore.


He opened hungrily his serrated mouth

And swallowed her like a dish from the south.


But Grandma didn’t die, she fought,

She was much stronger than he thought,


He began feeling sick and ill,

And decided he hide on the hill.


On the way, he met the little girl in red,

She stopped, she stared and then she said:


“I’m going to see my grandmamma in her bed,

Poor old Grandma needs to be fed.”


But Wolf wasn’t listening anymore,

He couldn’t keep Grandma no more,


So he vomited her on the track,

And ran away never turning back.



FABRE Thomas


MACHE Melchior

Histoire Gothique, Owen CLAUZEL


3ème 1





Five friends, Ralph, Michael, James, Jack and Harry, were walking in a forest on a Friday evening, after school. It was around 10pm. Because of the cold outside, everyone was warmly dressed; with furry coats, scarves, thick gloves and big socks. Even though this winter was one of the coldest winters the city had ever endured, the group decided to go out. They talked about school, work they had to do, their hobbies outside school…

Ralph is listening to James talking about his week when he suddenly feels observed. He looks around to see if anyone was near to them, but in the dark, he can’t see much. So he just continues walking. Suddenly, he sees a movement to his left. He quickly turns himself towards the place where he’d seen it, but…nothing. Ten seconds after, he sees another move. There are more and more on each side… He looks at his friends to see if they had seen it too, but it didn’t seem to. Seeing his friend frightened Harry stairs at him, without saying anything, to not interrupt James. Ralph tells him with a head nod that everything is all right. Suddenly, a small rock rolled on the side of the path, just as if somebody had walked on it. The five of them turn around, surprised. As they don’t see anything, they start walking again. Harry sees Ralph walking slowly, backwards. He looks terrified. He starts mumbling words, stammering.  Harry manages to understand “can you see them?”. Michael, James and Jack look behind them and start laughing. They tell Ralph they aren’t stupid; they won’t be scared by the dark, or even anything he pretends to say. Ralph, who has accelerated his walk, is now in front of the group. He walks so fast that he is nearly running. Harry joins him to ask what was happening, and what scared him off, but Ralph only answers, “the shadows, they’re going to eat us!”. Suddenly, they hear a scream. When they turn around, they discover Michael dragged on the floor, by… nothing. They don’t have time to react that James is already dragged the same way. Michael and James have now disappeared in the distant fog. Immediately, Jack, Ralph and Harry start running as fast as they can towards the end of the forest. They run without even watching behind them. They know that if they reach the end of the forest, they can go and hide at Ralph’s place, which, hopefully would be a secured place. They are nearly arrived when Jack screams his head off. They are so scared that nether Ralph or Harry turns theirs heads to look behind them or try to help Jack. They both enter Ralph’s house, and, seeing that Jack is not there anymore, they close the door. They quickly put a cupboard in front of the door, and both run in the basement and lock themselves in it. They both sit down in a corner of the room. They are trembling. They don’t understand what is going on. After a couple of minutes, Harry mumbles: “Wh-what j-just happened?”  As Ralph seems as shocked as him, he doesn’t insist. They try to calm down in a long-lasting silence. The guilt of abandoning their friends to monsters to save their own lives grows into them. Finally, Harry asks Ralph: “You saw them?”. The answer isn’t loud enough, but Harry understands it. They aren’t hungry, or thirsty, or in fact they don’t think at anything apart from their friends. Time passes, minutes feel like hours. Once they start recovering, together they talk about their friends, what happened to them… Who, Which creature came after them? Ralph tries to describe the monsters to Harry; “They are sort of human, but without any feet or any hands. They are purple and pink. They like …“glow” in the night (that’s how I saw them). The creatures’ heads are without any face; they just have small eyes. They approached us from each side. When they understood I could see them, they immediately attacked...” Tears are falling on his cheeks. Suddenly, there is an enormous “BOUM” upstairs. They are petrified. Harry goes silently to the door, to turn off the light. There were noises and objects falling… The house was being searched. Ralph could hear strange noises, like a discussion between people. It was very strange though; the sounds were not proper words but rather insignificant screams.

He started to tremble. The noises were closer and closer… Then, no more noise, no more voices. He breaths slowly and without making any noise. Harry is all sweaty, they both hope that the monsters are gone. Suddenly, a big “SLAP”, the door goes wide open.

Harry, who doesn’t see the ghosts looks at his friend (to see his reaction, to know if they are in danger), while turning around Harry realises that Ralph has disappeared. He manages to see red marks on the ground. He freak’s out thinking at the possibility that it could be Ralph’s blood. There were indeed blood prints on the floor! Harry nearly passed out; his best friend had just been taken and killed just next to him. He bent slowly towards the floor to see if it wasn’t just a mark which had been there already since a long time. Even if he could not accept it , blood was still fresh,  his fingers could feel this red syrup….Yes, it was blood…but at its contact, Harry felt strange… It was just as if something had gone in his body. He immediately started hearing screams, they were in fact quite the same as those described by Ralph earlier on. With all the events that had just happened, he wasn’t even surprised; he felt wired, but was to shocked and scared to realise something was moving in the dark coming from his left side.  He turned his head. Even if he was in the dark, he saw… In the entrance of the room, near the door, were four purple shapes. They were terrifying! They looked thirsty, like evils and were looking at him greedily. They started walking slowly towards him… He tried to find an object with which he could defend himself, but nothing… He couldn’t run away because they were in front on the door… He couldn’t do anything else in fact… One of them bounced on him so fast that he didn’t even had time to move. The monster planted his arm into Harry’s belly. An enormous pain invaded him; he could not feel his right arm anymore, then his left one… and then, nothing… all became black…

Harry gets up without knowing how, and BANG, he bumps his head on the ceiling. His mother runs into his bedroom and asks “ What happened, are you all write? “ She turns on the lights. At this moment, Harry realises that he is in his bedroom, all is all right…

            It was just a nightmare.

rewriting of Liam the Leprechaun

Delouvée Matthieu

      First, Jack Mouse arrives to his aunt and oncle’s town. Far away from home, Jack’s cousin sean told him about the big party of st Patricks day. And also spoke about liam the leprechaun. But jack

had no who liam the leprechaun was so sean told him that this man appears every st Patrick’s day with a pot of gold in one hand and a stout oak club called a shillelagh and that if someone catches him, he has to give him his pot of gold but nobody has gt him. Then, When Jack arrive at his aunt Brid house, she gave him a basket that he have to fill will shamrocks, which is the symbol of st Patricks

in the wood Jack couldn’t find any shamrocks, so he went deeper and deeper to find some. He was about to give up when he looked at the ground and saw shamrocks everywhere. So He started filling his basket when he heard :” Tee hee hee Toe ho ho !” He looked around but didn’t see anything. And again : Tee hee hee Toe ho ho, Jack turned and saw a little man with a red beard in a green suit and a green hat. With a wooden club in one hand and a pot of gold in the other.He had just found Liam the Leprechaun ! But when he realized that he had to catch him if he wanted that pot of gold, the leprechaun had already started running! So he quickly started to run after him. He chased liam the leprechaun all the way to the village ! After a long and tiring run, Jack jumped over a wall and ran smack into someone ! but it of course wasn’t liam the leprechaun, it was his uncle fergal. Then, Going back to home, uncle fergal told jack that the leprechaun was an imaginary creature and that 17th of mach is the biggest celebration of Ireland. He even showed him Mrs Murphy baking the traditional soda breath, Mr O’Bryan getting the kids ready for the parade, or Miss fitzgeraid who was nailing a special green sweater. But then, Jack saw Liam and ran after him… And finally catched him ! But he realized that it wasn’t Liam only after few seconds, and that it was Sean. The two cousins were laughing when Sean suddenly realized they were late for the party ! So they ran to the house while picking as many shamrocks as they could. When they got there, the party was already started and there where a lots of music and food !

Scary Story : The strange meeting ( Matthieu DELOUVEE)

Delouvée Matthieu

      The night was falling on this Halloween day and I couldn’t wait to go hunting for candies. Two hours later, it was finally time! I went to my bed take my costume and my bag but when I got there, my costume had disappeared. I searched everywhere in my room where it could be but it was nowhere. I was sadly starting to look for another costume when I saw a shadow moving outside and suddenly the window opened on its own! I was petrified, the shadow I saw before was getting into the house. My costume was moving by itself! I was terrified, I quickly ran away after locking all the doors on my way. But this was of course not usual, my costume could go under the doors. It went right on me and got me dressed at the moment my mother was getting in the room. After that, I don’t remember anything, but my mother explained to me what happened. She told me that I left the house with my bag and as she thought I was weird, she followed me with her car and I apparently went right to Paris! She was really worried for me because she saw me talking with some flying costumes. All the costumes and me apparently went to the candy hunt until midnight, time where all the costumes stopped to fly and fell on the floor and I woke up. My mom, who during my candy hunt was looking for me in Paris, found me sleeping on the floor, next to some lying costumes with a candy bag in my hands. She also took the costumes with her so I could explain everything when I woke up but I of course had no idea what she was talking about so we burned the costumes. Next year, we will go on the place where the costumes met to see if this strange and scary ceremony happens again!  


Scary Story: The mystery of the lake Melchior MACHE

Melchior MACHE 3è1

The mystery of the Lake




To celebrate their first year of university, six friends went camping in the wilderness. After driving for several hours from the nearest town, they discovered a small lake, located next to a cliff ideal for scuba diving and cliff jumping. They set up camp in the nearby woods and spent the evening swimming in the warm, clear water of the lake. At sunset, one of the friends climbed to the highest point of the cliff and jumped into the water, while the other five were laughing. But their friend did not come to the surface. Anxious, the friends rushed into the water to try to save him. The friends did not see him. After extensive underwater research and exploration, the students finally gave up.


A year passed and they returned to the small lake as a memorial, but as they approached, they saw their friend waiting for them. With excitement and surprise, they called him and started running towards him. Suddenly he dove into the water and disappeared. The friends then knew that they had just had a collective vision. However, at the water's edge, the students retrieved a letter. They take it and on the wet paper of the letter it says "I'm going to kill you".


From this exchange, each week an event took place. Children regularly committed suicide in the lake where their friend had died. The police and inspectors immediately closed the access to the lake and the inhabitants were confined. The inhabitants said that the shadow of the drowned boy drew the children to the bottom of the lake and made them disappear. The students fled the town trying to get as far away as possible from the lake where the tragedy took place. As soon as they left, the curse was lifted and settled where the students were going. The curse and the soul of the drowned man followed them. The former members of the group who had split up in the different countries of the world were all mysteriously killed. The tragic death of one student caused the mystery and the worst curse the world has ever known. The soul who had finished his work went to hell followed by his former friends and the victims he made.


Scary story : the Zoldics - Margaux Rocca

Margaux ROCCA- 3e1                                                                                    March 3rd, 2021                         

Scary Story


This is the story of an American teenager called «Ivy» who survived hell.

Ivy Anderson was born in 1999 in Atlanta and had a happy childhood until her parents died in a car accident when she was 10. Then, she lived with her grandparents before they died a year later. Alone in the world, she was forced to go to an orphanage where she stayed during 7 years. When she finally turned 18 and became independent, she decided to look for a job as an « au pair » and move away from her past to go study at the university of California.

A few months later, the back-to-school day was coming and it was time for her to move in with her employers, the Zoldics. This day was supposed to be her first day in the Zoldic family and therefore a very special one. When she reached the address received by email, she parked her car outisde the property and left it with her suitcase. She was exhausted as she had made a long journey.

She was standing right here, in front of the gate separating her from the huge Zoldic Manor. Impressed, she didn’t dare to ring the bell. After many minutes observing the house without moving, she realized that night was coming and took her bravoure to finally ring the bell. One second later she touched the bell, the gate opened with a horrible screech.

Surprised, she jumped. Thinking that she was ridiculous, she giggled a bit and entered the giant garden rolling her suitcase on the pebbles of the alley. There was nobody. A bit scared of being lonely, she walked a bit faster and arrived at the entrance of the Manor. She stopped and looked at the house again, waiting for the person who had opened the gate for her. It was an old dark stone batisse where each window seemed to be covered by dense curtains.  The burgundy red wooden door was two or three feet taller than her and had a large antique metal handle in the centre.

Seeing that no one was coming, she decided to open the door to go inside and take refuge from the wind. She entered. There were only a few candles on the walls along the velvet staircase in front of the entrance. Dubitative in front of this still empty staircase, she decided to ask if there was someone there, but her only answer was the echo of her own voice. She felt shivers running down her neck. Without knowing why, an aura prevented her from moving forward, terrifying her. The air became icy. Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming closer and a honey voice whispering "So little thing, we're lost? Don't worry, I'll take care to bleed you out soon, huh? ".

The young woman was petrified. While descending the stairs calmly, the voice continued to whisper, getting even closer. A few seconds later, she saw a young man with a feline gait and blood-coloured eyes, his canines protruding from his mouth. His skin was as pale as a dead man and his beauty seemed inhuman.  Ivy was totally hypnotized by his eyes and could only hear his voice. She could no more think.

Suddenly, Ivy dropped her suitcase, which crashed to the ground with a thud. Ivy was then brought back to reality and instinctively, her fear taking over, she rushed to the door and ran out as fast as she could towards the gate. Once through the gate, she turned back to see if the horrible figure had followed her, but saw only his pale hand with sharp nails sticking out of the door. Still in shock, she blew and realised she was crying. She had also forgotten her suitcase, but didn't even care about it. She picked up her car keys that she had fortunately slipped into her pocket and drove away as far as her car could carry her with the petrol she had left. From that day on, she went to live in Europe and never returned to America, praying that "the creature" had not followed her here…

…Today, she is in a retirement residence despite her still lively mind. I am the only one of her grandchildren to whom she confided her story because she was afraid that the "creature" would find her and because no one would believe her. No one but me. I've always had a special relationship with her and she knows that I will always believe her.

Even with the few clues she had about it, she never knew what this monster was. A vampire? Maybe, but no one will ever know. Of course, I'm curious to know what it was but I promised her not to look for an answer that could put us in danger so it will remain a secret between a crazy old lady and her quirky grandson


  • By Matthiew Robinson

Eugénie DUPUY - Scary story : My multiple deaths

Hi ! I’m Astry and I just spent the worst month of my life. I was born on October 14th, I am 22 and this nightmare happened the day after my birthday. But in the evening, everything was normal : my mother said goodnight to me and my father was on night shift at his work. I went to my bedroom, I finished my homework for college. But my mom, as soon as I went to my room, started crying. I didn’t know why. When I went to see her, she told me it was nothing, only a work stress. So I went back to my bedroom.

In the night,while I was dreaming, a blue eyed girl, with long hair down to her feet and her skin so white that it looked like it was transparent, stood in front of me. She said : “Hello, I’m Lilith. Your family hurt me. I’ve been haunting them for sixty years. The curse is that every person of your family who has just turned twenty-two, will have to die in a different way, every day during one month. On your desk, a book will appear ; every day, a new page will indicate a death you will have to give to yourself. If you don’t do that, you will definitively die.”

When I woke up in the morning, I took my breakfast and I prepared my bag. Suddenly I saw the book on my desk. On the cover there was marked “1 death 1 day”. I felt frightened when I realized my dream was real. I had to die in order to survive.

First Day : car accident

I didn't know what to do. If it was real, I should come back the day after to die again. But if it was not real, I was going to die. However, the book appeared although it was not there yesterday and many members of my family died at the age of 22 years old apart from my mother. My aunt died when she was 22 years old, my grandmother too, after having her two children. That is why I decided to believe my dream was real.

My first death was a car crash. I didn't go to school that day : I had to die.                                                                         

I said good-bye to my mother, and I was really stressed out. I was thinking she knew too : after all, she went through 22. I don’t know if she felt what I was going to do, that I was not going home tonight, that I was not going to school and nevertheless she acted as if everything was normal. When she was 22 she had to be like me : she had to die without knowing why sixty years ago our family was cursed.

I got in my car, I knew where I had to go. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I was in front of the wall of the big square. There was nobody in the square, everyone was at work. I was scared. I had to do it. I didn’t want to see it. I waited, an hour went and the car was stopped. I thought. I cried. I laughed nervously. I went through all the emotions. I opened my eyes, looked at the wall in front of me, turned on the engine, slowly advanced and then accelerated. I turned at the last moment out of fear, unfortunately or rather luckily for me, my car bumped into the wall and… nothing more… black hole…

She came back. Lilith. "Hi! You made it. Bravo! Good luck for the next ones." I shouted loudly at her : "Why… What did you do this to my family?" but she was already gone.


15th day : Gun

A gun!!!!!!!! But what was I going to do. It was easy to find a weapon in America nowadays I don’t know how I was going to do that.

After a score of gun magazine I was finally able to buy a cheap weapon. The other days it was easy anyway it was more of an accident like the time I had to hang myself and I accidentally dropped the stool. But now with a pistol… I can’t be discouraged after 15th day.

I put the weapon on my mouth. It was the only way that I could do that without seing  it. I’m in my room alone, the gun in my mouth. I thought a little more. With all the deaths I had suffered, I was wondering how I could still be scared. It was strange that my family was the only one who could speak of death because we actually lived it. I was getting more and more scared. I was going to do that again.


I heard the long, dull noise.


The last day : drowning

Finally !!!!!! THE LAST DAY !!!!  Drowning. It’s easy. Let’s go to the sea. An hour’s train ride to drown myself. Great, my moral is back.

Bye bye the world. See you tomorrow. What if it’s just a dream ? I would have dreamed of my death ?!? No, that’s not possible. I’m just over thinking. I dive without taking a breath, I cling to a rock at the bottom of the water. I can no longer breathe like the time I had to choke. I see fuzzy and I see nothing just a black background.

The next day everything went back to normal. Back to college. Nobody knew me. It was just as if the world had stopped spinning for me, waiting for me.

She appeared for a few seconds to tell me that it was unfair and that she would come back to haunt my family again. I still don’t know why, but she must have a good reason.

Eugénie DUPUY

Scary story

Scary story


            In December, I decided to go to my grandmother’s castle. I grew up with her because when I was a baby my parents died in a shipwreck. In November, my grandmother died and she gave me all her inheritance. It was the first time that I went to the castle alone, before we went there just during the holidays. The castle was very big and dark, it was by the ocean. Next to that, there was a hut which seemed desert. When I was a child, I couldn’t go to the ocean alone, I was so terrified, because I felt a presence. My grandmother took my hand and walked with me to show me there was nobody.


            When I arrived in the castle, it was dark. After the long journey, I went to sleep immediately. The following day, I was on the balcony when I heard a song. I listened to that attentively and I thought the girl who was singing had a beautiful voice. I was approaching to the ocean because I wanted to see the singer. But when I arrived, there was nobody.  Perhaps the girl was afraid so she ran away.


            Everyday, I came back to the ocean. I hoped to find her. I always stopped in front of the hut. Maybe it was her home, but I never saw someone. One day, I was in my bedroom when I heard a boat and the same song as last time. The girl wasn’t alone this time, I thought they were three. I ran to the beach to see them. I was hiding behind a tree and when I saw what they were doing,  I was blood-curdling. I was freaked out and I couldn’t move so I have stayed behind the tree for many hours.


            I understood everything now, it was not a myth, the sirens existed. They were living in the hut, near the beach. I had always felt a presence, because there was really someone. They were obeying the ocean. They sang in the ocean, the passengers of the boat must have been obsessed by their voice and must have fallen from the boat in the water. So the sirens are killers. I was sure now they were responsible for my parents death. It was because of them that I had no family.


            During one week, I stayed in the castle, but one day I heard the same voice at the first time. I went to the beach to see the siren. When I arrived, she stopped singing and she looked at me. I said:

            _“Tell me. You are a siren. What did you do there exactly?

            _ “Thirty years ago, I should have died in a shipwreck, but the ocean saved me if I became its mermaid for hundred years. To save my life, I accepted. I was with four other sirens and every month we had to choose a shipwreck. It was awfull and we didn’t like that but we didn't have the choice. And if it was not us, the ocean should choose other sirens, many people would agree to become like us because during one hundred years we always stay young and we are never ill  …”

            While she was talking, I felt a slight tingling sensation, but I was so focused on the story that I didn’t care about it.

            _ “Did my mother know you?  I asked         

            _ “Your mother was a siren! After one hundred years, she became human and she did her life. She met you father… You know the end. The ocean didn’t know your mother was on the boat, it loved your mother, it was very sad to have killed your mother. It was an accident”


            I went everyday on the beach to see her. She never came back. One day, I saw the ocean coming towards me. I was moving back slowly as far as possible until I was blocked by a tree. I had my heart in my mouth. I didn’t want to die like my parents. The water touched my foot and I cried in a fright. The water was rising. I trembled like a leaf. I fell in the water, my head was under the water, I suffocated. Suddenly, the ocean ejected me and threw me against a tree. Frantic, I ran without stopping.


            After that, I was getting sicker. No doctor could find the name of my disease and could cure me. I decided to go and talk to the siren to understand what was happening to me, I found another siren, who said:

            _ “It’s too late. You are finally sick. The siren gave you a shot with poison, when she was talking to you the other day. The siren talked to you because the ocean wanted you to die. You shouldn’t have seen who we are. There isn’t any cure, so enjoy your last days. We kill your parents and now we will kill you. You are stupid to think you can survive. “

I take offence about her last sentence. I came back home to wait for my death.


Lucie Arlais

Twisted Fairy Tales

A parody of The Litlle Red Riding Hood; by Roal Dahl.

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Little Red Riding Hood ad the Wolf (twisted fairytail)

Romain Dischamp, Matthieu Delouvée 3e5

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf


As soon as Wolf began to feel

That he would like a decent meal,

He went and knocked on Grandma’s door.

When Grandma opened it, she saw

The sharp white teeth, the horrid grin,

And Wolfie said, “May I come in?”

Poor Grandmamma was terrified,

“He’s going to eat me up!” she cried.

And she was absolutely right.

He ate her up in one big bite.

But Grandmamma was big enough.

Well-filled the Wolf smothered a hiccough.

“I’ve had a perfect meal” he thought.

He left the bedroom covered by blood of Grandma

Little Red Riding Hood came, saw that and screamed “Mamamia!”

Then Doc* arrived and said:

“Come into my car with your red plaid”

Little Red Riding Hood saw the Dolorean* and declared

“Yes, let’s go in the past to kill Wolf’s mother,

To save my so nice Grandmother!”

She went into the futurist car,

That she’s never seen so far.

Doc asked “Have you ever got a weapon yet?”

“Yes, sure, a shotgun with explosive bullets.”

“Cool, we are going to arrive to the Wolf’s home”

Then Little Red Riding Hood chuckled: “And we are surely unwelcome”

She loaded the gun and got out of the car.

To walk to the Wolf’s home that’s not very far.

She stopped, she stared and then she said.

« Sarah Connor? » But she didn’t know why she said that,

The wolf’s mom started to run like a cat,

Where the little red riding hood shot his mom.

She went back to the house of her grandma,

She shouted in front of her home: 

“Are you here my dear Mama?”

“Yes, I’m here darling!”

They tenderly kissed while laughing.



*Doc: fictional character from the movie “Back to the Future”

* Dolorean: the car in this movie to go back to the future

The CES of 2021

The 2021 CES runs from Monday, January 11 to Thursday, January 14, 2021. The CES is the world’s largest exhibition of new technologies that takes place every year in Las Vegas. This year it will be virtual ! Nevertheless, the builders have some announcements planned.

The text come from the officials articles of the 2021 CES.

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Homless people in England

Every-where in the world, people suffer of hunger. In this BLOG, we will specially talk about homless in England.

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Protests in Belarus in August (news) Luca Mathieu



Hello I would like to talk about protests in Belarus.

Belarus is an European country between Poland, Russia, Lithuania and Ukraine and a former state of the Soviet Union.

The President of Belaruss is Alexander Lukashenko. The country isn't really a republic because he led it for 26 years and he is an authoritarian president. That's why protests began when he was re-elected on August 9th. Lot of people said the results are influenced by the government so the election was unfair. In fact people also protests for support Svetlana Tikhanovskaïa, a former teacher and the main political rival of Lukashenko who was a candidate of the election. On August 9th she had to flee in Lithuania because of government pressure . Minsk, the capital, is where the demonstrations are the largest. On August 14th there were an estimated 20 000 people in the Independence Square, a famous place in the city and on August 16th they were between 100 000 and 200 000. Police used  tear gas, water cannons and stun grenades. At the end of the first demonstrations week two people were claimed dead and around 7000 people were arrested.     

Svetlana Tikhanovskaïa supports demonstrators and believes in pacific power transition with two others figures : Maria Koleniskova and Veronika Tsepkalo who's nominated for the 2021 Nobel peace prize. Many countries like Canada supports demonstrators and don't recognize Lukashenko as the leader of Belarus.

I've already known there are demonstrations in Belarus from articles but I read I learned more about the violence of the police (I watched videos) and the demonstrators bravery. I didn't know Belarus is a real dictatorship where people hasn't got freedom and true justice. I've chosen this subject because it shows there are always countries like Belarus where people are practically enclosed and haven't got the right to do anything for show their opinion. Belarus protests is a good example that people can do for fight for their rights. It was very interesting and I hope the demonstrators will win and Lukashenko will stop his term






Spacex wants to go to Mars

Thomas Fattorini

         SpaceX is Elon Musk’s company which launches rockets in space. But SpaceX wants to go further and on August 31, Elon Musk hold a virtual conference about Mars and said his company wants to establish human beings on Mars and build a city , in a few years. The engineers of the company have created a spaceship to send humans and equipments to the red planet. They have created the Starship which can carry 150 tons or 100 people and travel 30 millions miles between the Earth and Mars. It uses fuel which could be created on Mars.


images.jpg, mai 2021

         But colonize Mars represents many difficulties:

  • Establish a colony is extremely expensive. For example, to go to the Moon in the 70s, Nasa needed 280 billion dollars.
  • Mars is an unfavourable planet for humans: there is no water, except on the pole where there is only ice and at 100 meters depth. The average temperature is -63°C. The atmosphere has no oxygen and the ground is not favourable to the plant because it contains many types of iron which are toxic for the plants. For these reasons, some scientists say it will not be possible to live on Mars.
  • And the last problem is who wants to go to the red planet? Astronauts, volunteers, American astronauts, astronauts of all countries?



        So, what is certain with Mars, is that we won’t go there in the next years. For the moment, it is only a dream.

Hong Kong Protest - Romain Dischamp

Romain Dischamp

Hong Kong Protest



Hong Kong is on the South of China. Hong Kong was an English colony until 1997 when it was given back to China.Hi, I am going to talk about Hong Kong Protest during the summer 2020.

There was an agreement between Great Britain and China to keep english way of life during 50 years. Hong Kong could keep a democratic system with elections and a capitalist economy.

Nevertheless, China did not respect its commitment and China is trying to enforce its communist politic, by reducing freedom (extradition, security laws).

For almost one year, Hong Kong population protest against China: there are violent marches, strikes and riots in the streets. Chinese police makes violent repressions against Hong Kong young population. Hong Kong wants to defend its democracy against police brutality. They want a greatest independence from China that does not respect human rights.








On June the sixteen, there were 2 million Hong Kongeses in Hong Kong capital, so one habitant on three dressed in black.







Hong Kong wants to protect freedom of expression because China created a law to punish opponents. It is the first time in twenty years that Hong Kong knows such violence.


The end of Alma (Romain Dischamp)

Romain Dischamp                                                            

                                                   The end of Alma


I can’t move, just my eyes can talk about my fear. If they are my eyes …It’s strange, I feel in another body, when I blow, there is a lot of mist on the glasses. I’m locked in this doll. A girl, like me approaches the window, amazed by a truly doll-clone of her. She doesn’t suspect a trap, like me. It’s necessary to leave this shop and this doll’s body. The girl enters the shop to take her replica, I must move my eyes to raise her attention. I rapidly draw a large circle with my eyes. She doesn’t see me, she’s going to touch her doll, her fingers reach her doll. But suddenly a big noise comes from the shop, the little doll on a bicycle is on the ground. He shakes the shelf where I am. My doll’s body is falling into the void, “I fall, I fall, I’m going to die. I see the end of the tunnel! It is the truly end? I can’t finish the end of my life in a doll!” The ground is getting closer, in a few second, I’m dead, “don’t look that”. 3…2…. The girl catches me, she touches me and suddenly I move the knee. “I can’t move the knee?!”. I open my eyes; I see my doll on the girl’s arms. I’m released! The girl saved me! Two words come out of my mouth “thank you”.

L. Mamer, L. Lindeberg, L. Duchet - The Royal Family of the Great Britain


Quick presentation of the royal family

There are kings and queens in Great Britain and in the United Kingdom since 1603. But there is kings in England since 802: it was the dynasty of the Saxon.


The actual queen is Elizabeth II, part of the Windsor family, since 1952. She is nearly 95. She is the queen who reigned the longer. But if the Queen dies, according to the plan "London Bridge", it would be Charles de Galles, son of the Queen, who will take the throne.


After the death of Prince Philip Mountbatten on April, 9th 2021, the Queen finds herself without a husband and loyal company. It is a big tragedy for the British people.


famille royale.png

Diagram of the Royal Family

How does the royal family work?

How do you become a member of the royal family?


You can become a member of the royal family by getting married with someone who is already part of the family. Consequently, you will get a title. For exemple, Lady Diana became Princess of Wales when she married the prince Charles in 1981. You can also become a member by being born into the royal family. For exemple, Queen Elizabeth II is the daughter of Georges VI so she is part of the royal family. However, to be able to reign, you must to be born into the royal family. 


How to be the heir?


To be the heir, you must be the oldest son of the King or the Queen. For example, Prince Charles is the heir because he is the oldest son of queen Elizabeth II. But, if the King or the Queen has only daughters, the heir will be a woman. For example, Georges VI had two daughters, Queen Elizabeth II and Margaret. Elizabeth was the oldest so she became queen in 1953.












Louis Lindeberg, Loïc Mamer and Lina Duchet from 3ème1 in collège cocteau

Australian cute and strange animals

Gabrielle Magniez, Margaux Rocca, Coline Varin                                                                            3eme1 


Working in group - Bloglish


Hey ! As you can see it in the title, this page introduces some Australian animals that have caught our attention and that we wanted to present to you. :)



Kangaroo :




- Class : mammal specially marsupial

- Weight : until 187,3 pounds(85kg) for the male and 77,1 pounds(35kg) for the female

- Length : until1,8 m for the male and 1,1 m for the female

- Lifespan : depends on the species but it can reach 25 years.

- Social Structure : lives in group 

- Living environment : forests, plains, savannas, and woodlands in Australia and Tasmania


Specific things you have to know about it :

The first thing to know about the kangaroo is that its jumps can reach until 60km/h and make until 3m height. 
But the kangaroo can't easily walk or even move backwards because of the singular shape of its legs and the thickness of its tail.

Second it is the biggest marsupial of the world.

At birth, it is born at a very immature stage. It is so small that it is the size of a candy (not more than 2cm) and doesn't weigh more than one gram. It is pink, can't see, and is devoied of hairs.

The kangaroo is herbivorous, and feeds on grasses, leaves and tree shoots.
To survive, it needs very little water and can even go months without drinking at all.

An anecdote about the origin of the name "kangaroo".
It is said that the first time Europeans saw this strange animal, they asked an Aborigine what was its name. He answered "Kangaroo", which means "I don't understand your question". That's how Europeans thought they discovered the name of this animal !



Platypus :




- Class : mammal

- Weight :  from 1,7 pound(0,8kg) to 4,4 pounds(2kg)

- Length : head and body : 30-45 cm. tail : 10-15 cm

- Lifespan : 17 years

- Social Structure : generally solitary

- Living environment : permanent freshwater rivers and lakes


Specific things you have to know about it :

The platypus is a semi-aquatic animal with a strange appearance, belonging to the class of mammals although it lays eggs: it is an oviparous mammal. It has a duck-like beak, a flat tail, a bit like the beaver's, and webbed feet, like the otter. The early observers thought was that of a duck sewn onto the body of a mammal!

The male has a venomous hook on each hind leg, whose th sting can be painful. The sting kills small animals but not humans.

The platypus is carnivore and feeds on worms, insect larvae, freshwater shrimp and crayfish that it finds in rivers.



Box Jellyfish :


box jellyfish.jpg


- Class : jellyfish

- Weight : until 4,4 pounds(2kg)

- Length : the tenctacles can mesure until 3m and the umbrella is 10/15cm but it can be 30cm for the largest.

- Lifespan : until 25 years

- Social Structure : solitary

- Living environment : deep water


Specific things you have to know about it :

The box jellyfish is also called sea wasps and marine stingers, it is one of the most dangerous animals in the world and the most dangerous jellyfish. Its weapon is a venom that acts in a dazzling way.  The box jellyfish's venom is among the most deadly in the world, containing toxins that attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. In one year the box jellyfishes have killed more people in Australia than all the sharks and the crocodiles reunited. The sting can kill you in few minutes. So if one day you see this animal, swim the fastest as you can!

Koala :



- Class : mammal

- Weight : from 8.8 pounds (4kg) to 33 pounds (15kg)

- Length : 60-85 cm

- Lifespan : between 13 and 18 years (for wild koalas)

- Social Structure : in stable complex social groups, but have their own "home range" areas

- Living environment : in the eucalyptus forests of southeastern and eastern Australia


Specific things you have to know about it :

Koalas are nocturnal mammals, they sleep for up to 16 hours a day. They are also arboreal, which means that they live in trees. They live on the eucalyptus trees for habitat and for food. When they're not sleeping, they're eating.

They don’t live in big groups, they prefer to be alone. Females are solitary and occupy distinct home ranges that they rarely leave.

They are not really violent animals but they have been known to go after dogs and even sometimes humans. For example, a woman named Mary Anne Forster was trying to protect her two dogs from an aggressive koala when she received a vicious bite.



Wombat :



- Class : mammals

- Weight : from pounds 44 pounds (20kg) to 99 pounds (35kg)

- Length : 100 cm

- Lifespan : between 10 and 12 years

- Social Structure : solitary (for common wonbats)

- Living environment : in mountains, forests and grasslands


Specific things you have to know about it :

A wombat spends most of its time in its burrow. A wombat can lower its metabolism by about a third, slowing its heartbeat and respiration in order to conserve energy. When relaxed, wombats often sleep on their backs with their legs in the air.

Wombats are not the kind to attack people but it has already happened. A 60-year-old man spent the night in hospital after being “mauled” by a wombat. The neighbour killed the wombat with a blow to the back of the head with an axe.

When threatened, a wombat can run over 24.8 miles per hour (40km/h). It's the fastest they can do. 


Saltwater crocodile :



- Class : reptiles 

- Weight : male : 2205 pounds (1000kg) ; female : from 167.6 pounds (76kg) to 220.5 pounds (100kg)

- Length : male : 4,3 – 5,2 m (adults) ; female : 2,3 – 3,5 m (adults)

- Lifespan : 70 years 

- Social Structure : territorial 

- Living environment : in coastal waters or rivers


Specific things you have to know about it :

While most crocodilians share basking spots and food, saltwater crocodiles are more territorial and are less tolerant of their own kind. Adult males accept to share their territory with females but will drive off rival males.

Saltwater crocodiles are part of the two species with the most well-known reputation for attacking humans. They are the prepetrators of the majority pf crocodilian attacks (both fatal and non-fatal).

They can swim between 14,9 miles per hour (24km/h) and 18 miles per hour (29 km/h).



Chlamydosaurus kingii or frilled lizard  :




- Class : reptilae

- Weight :  between 1.1 and 2.2 pounds (0.5 – 1 kg)

- Length : Maximum length is 3 feet (90 cm)

- Lifespan : Up to 20 years in the wild 

- Social Structure : Solitary

- Living environment : Evergreen forests


Specific things you have to know about it :

The most distinctive feature of these lizards is the large ruff of skin that is typically folded up against the head and neck. The neck ruff is supported by long spines of cartilage that are connected to the jaw bones. The lizard uses its ruff to defend itself by intimidating the predator or during the mating season to impress females.

When the lizard is irritated or threatened, it can raise the frill perpendicular to its body, enabling it to surprise its enemies by suddenly displaying a head several times its normal size.

So if one day you see one of these lizards doing this, even if they are not very dangerous for humans, run!



Maratus volans or peacock spider :



- Class : arachnida

- Size :  between 2 and 6 mm so they are veeeery small

- Lifespan : 1 year

- Social Structure : Solitary

- Living environment :  live in a diverse range of habitats, from sand dunes on the temperate coasts to grasslands in the semi- arid regions


Specific things you have to know about it :

First, those little spiders can jump up to 20 times their size.

Next, these spiders are known for their incredible patterns but in reality not all of them have it. Indeed, only the males have this feature, whereas the females are very dull. These patterns on their abdomen allow them to impress females during a dance consisting of raising their abdomen and legs and waving them in the air. In addition, this peacock-like appearance during the dance also allows them to scare off predators.

While their extraordinary deployment of colour and pattern is quite unique, they are not only valued for their colourful bodies. Peacock spiders are generally only found in the southern half of mainland Australia, making them rare. 

Finally, as this spider is harmless to humans, it can be observed in safety (I find this very important as I am arachnophobic). To conclude, spiders are generally creepy, but this one is almost cute... if you forget its many bulging eyes!



Tasmanian devil :



- Class : Dasyuridae

- Weight : between 6 and 8 kg in a adult size

- Length : Males have an average head and body length of 652 mm and a 258 mm tail while females have an average head and body length of 570 mm and a 244 mm tail 

- Lifespan : up to 7 years with good life conditions

- Social Structure : Solitary (or in family)

- Living environment : The Tasmanian's devil's range is the island state of Tasmania, which is part of Australia. Their habitat includes eucalyptus forests, woodlands, coastal scrubland, and agricultural areas. During the day, Tasmanian devils find shelter under stones, in caves, bushes, old wombat burrows, or hollow logs.


Specific things you have to know about it :

Despite their bad reputation, these animals are not aggressive. only when they are fighting for food with each other or when they are threatened they become hostile. Indeed, a Tasmanian devil will always prefer flight to fight. What makes them so impressive and gives them their reputation is their bite. Indeed, Tasmanian devils deliver the strongest bite for its size of any mammal in the world. Their oversized heads allow them to open their jaws up to 80 degrees wide and their jaws carry enough brute force to crush bone.

To conclude, as if Tasmanian devils are not aggressive, don't try to approach them because if they get scared they can become very dangerous, just let them live in complete peace .

Discrimination towards indigenous people in Canada Jeanne Fenet & Alexandra Molinaro

Native Canadian people face a lot a discriminations, and are the victims of racial inequalities. 

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Banksy - Eugénie Dupuy & Lisa Herbreteau


Banksy is the pseudonym of a famous street artist. His name and identity remain unknown. We think that he was born in 1974 near Bristol in the United Kingdom. It's in this city that he realized his first works.

He uses stencil painting to get his messages accros, which often concern politics, humor and poetry. The characters which he represents are often rats, monkeys, policemen, soldiers, children, famous people or old people.


Banksy's works are made with stencils. In his book Wall and Piece, Banksy explains his choice. At the beginning of his career he was often caught red-handed, so he chose to use stencils because they allow him to work much faster, some of the work is done in advance.


The more famous artworks of Banksy

Girl with Balloon










This paint was made in London in 2002, on the Waterloo bridge in South Bank.


Kissing Coppers

Kissing Coppers represents two British policeman kissing. This paint has been made on the wall of The Prince Albert pub in Brighton in 2004.


In France












His last artwork











Eugénie Dupuy et Lisa Herbreteau

The premier league-Joseph Gentilini and Eliot Caspar

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