Twisted Fairy Tales

A parody of The Litlle Red Riding Hood; by Roal Dahl.

Twisted Fairy Tales


As soon as wolf began to feel

That he would like a decent meal,

He was walking in the forest.

Suddenly he saw a little girl in the west.

She stopped, she stared and then she said

« I’m not enough for you to be fed,

I’m thinner than my grandmother.

You will have more to eat with her.

The wolf looked at her suprised

« Everyday I’m forced

To bring her cakes and butter.

I want to kill her with a cutter,  

It’s so borring for me

And she is always angry. »

With the indications of the girl given, intentionnaly

The wolf found the house easily

The old woman let the wolf enter.

It was her granddaughter

The grandmother thought.

But it was a wolf overwrought.

In a few seconds the girl lost

Her grandmother hindmost.

After that, the wolf and the girl inseparable

Became popular and inevitable.


Lucie Arlais and Nils Le Petit