Histoire gothique - Bastien Cauchie 3ème1




Histoire gothique euro LCE :


One evening of October 31, 1996, four young people named David, Edgar, Alex and Dany went to a cemetery to celebrate the passage from October 31 to November 1. Every year since 1994, they used to come to this cemetery on the evening of October 31. They settled in a place where there were no grave, an empty place and put their things down. It was 11.59 pm « Five ! Four ! Three ! Two ! One!», they claimed. « DONG ! ». « What, said David, what is happening ? ». « My watch indicate 11.60 pm, says Alex ». « What, said Edgar, what the hell is this ? ». The four young people were amazed. They looked at their watch and noticed that the time was blocked at 11.60 pm. Suddenly, a voice surprised them : it was the thunder’s monster : « What are you doing here, he said, you are installed in the sacred place of the cemetery ». « Oh no guys, said Edgar, are you kidding me ? ». « Shut up, said the monster, you don’t have to settle here ! As long as you are in the cemetery, the time is stopped. To be able to see the light of day again, you have to leave the cemetery. And to get out of the cemetery, you have to pass three tests. The first test is the test of truth, the second test is the test of intelligence, and the third test is the test of courage. Good luck everyone, or rather, bad luck ! ».


« The first test, said the monster, is the test of truth. You will have to tell me each your address and tell me who knows you are here. You only need one lie to immediately die. We start with you ». The monster points to Edgar. Edgar replied that nobody knows that he's here. Suddenly, a lightning striked him and Edgar fell dead in front of his three friends. « You see, said the monster, it's like that if you lie. ». David, Alex and Dany could't believe their eyes, they were shocked. The monster laughed and pointed to David for the rest of the test. David, terrified, said : « Uh… I live uh… at the end of the Martyres street and uh… it's only my mother who knows that I'm here. ». « Good», said the monster who then pointed to Alex.  Alex was not very scared : « I also live at the end of the Martyres street and nobody knows that I’m here ». The monster finally pointed to Dany : « in fact, there are my two parents who know that I’m here and I live in the neighboring town in the rue Nights street ». « Good, the monster continued, I see you have passed the test. You have two tests left. ».


« The second test, said the monster, is the test of intelligence. You have in front of you three different labyrinths on three sheets. If you superimpose the three sheets, a path is repeated three times and you have to engrave the path on the three sheets with a knife. The only constraint : you are not allowed to superimpose the sheets. You have five minutes, be strategic. Go ! ». The three friends talked to each other, they looked attentively at the labyrinths. They were stressed because the three mazes were extremely complicated. « It's too complicated, shouts Dany, we're never going to get there ! ». The three friends seeked, consulted together, started new strategies. But the five minutes passed. « You have one minute left, said the monster, you have to engrave the paths on the three sheets. Suddenly, David took the knife and engraved the three paths. His shocked friends looked at him. The monster approached and looked carefully the three sheets. « This is a successful test, said the monster, you only have one test left. ».


« The third and final test, said the monster, is the test of courage. This is the fastest but also the most complicated. In a minute, you will designate a person who will be sacrificed to free you. The person chosen by the majority will die instantly. If someone designates himself, he immediately dies and the test is over. If after a minute no one is designated, you all die. » The three friends looked at each other. « You know guys, said Dany, I will designate myself. But before that, I would like to thank you. I had the best time of my life with you, and now it's my turn to do help you. ». The three friends cried. They didn't want to name anyone. Dany turned around, ready to yell his name at the monster. But in a final rush, David, who wasn't able to take the pressure he is under, ran towards the monster and shouted his name. Suddenly, an arrow pierced David's heart. David fell to the ground on his back. His two friends yell and cry. After fifteen seconds, David's heart opens and an extremely powerful light comes out. Alex and Dany, dazzled, close their eyes. When they reopen them, it’s the day, the monster has disappeared, the bodies of David and Edgar are not here, there are now two graves under their belongings.