The end of Alma (Romain Dischamp)

Romain Dischamp                                                            

                                                   The end of Alma


I can’t move, just my eyes can talk about my fear. If they are my eyes …It’s strange, I feel in another body, when I blow, there is a lot of mist on the glasses. I’m locked in this doll. A girl, like me approaches the window, amazed by a truly doll-clone of her. She doesn’t suspect a trap, like me. It’s necessary to leave this shop and this doll’s body. The girl enters the shop to take her replica, I must move my eyes to raise her attention. I rapidly draw a large circle with my eyes. She doesn’t see me, she’s going to touch her doll, her fingers reach her doll. But suddenly a big noise comes from the shop, the little doll on a bicycle is on the ground. He shakes the shelf where I am. My doll’s body is falling into the void, “I fall, I fall, I’m going to die. I see the end of the tunnel! It is the truly end? I can’t finish the end of my life in a doll!” The ground is getting closer, in a few second, I’m dead, “don’t look that”. 3…2…. The girl catches me, she touches me and suddenly I move the knee. “I can’t move the knee?!”. I open my eyes; I see my doll on the girl’s arms. I’m released! The girl saved me! Two words come out of my mouth “thank you”.