Gothic story Gabrielle Magniez
Par eleveuro3 le 28 mai 2021, 09:21 - Gothic Story - Lien permanent
The accident
It was a stormy night of 1969, when a couple and their young child decided to go on vacation. They took their car and left their home. They were alone. They tried to be careful because of a storm but the man fell asleep in the middle of the road. The car drove out of the road and turn itself in the air. When all was stopped, the woman look around to see if everybody was fine. That’s when she saw her son. He had a big piece of glass in his head. Blood was everywhere. He was dead. The woman started crying and screaming in pain. Her husband woke up and started crying when he saw his dead son. They both went out of the car and fell in pain. Then they heard footsteps and saw a weird silhouette holding a lantern. They looked at it with fear in their eyes. It was coming closer and closer. A man appeared. He came next to the woman and started talking : “Are you okay ? There is no need to be scared, I’m here to help. My name is Roger. I heard a scream so I decided to come and see. I live in the old castle right over there” He showed her his castle and started talking again : “You can come with me there. You and your husband, you can come and stay for the night. You need a good night of sleep.” They all started walking, the woman was holding her dead son, still crying. The husband started talking to Roger : “My name is Anthony and my wife is Mary. Our son is … was Logan. We will never thank you enough for your help.” Then they all continued their walk without talking.
When they finally arrived, they discovered an old and big castle. It was dark inside. There was a big fireplace but no fire in it. The man showed the couple a room so they could sleep. The room was almost empty, there was just a bed and a mirror. They put their dead son on the bed and then the man called them for dinner. There was a lot of food but nobody really wanted to eat. Nobody was talking. Then they heard a big voice coming from upstairs. It was calling Roger. Roger left the table and came back after a minute. He explained that it was his father. He said that he was sick and couldn’t go out of his bed. Anthony and Mary would have liked to know more but Roger didn’t want to talk about it.
After dinner, they all left and went to their room. When the couple went back to theirs, they saw that the body of their son was not there anymore. They started looking everywhere in the room when they heard strange noises. It was in the castle but they couldn’t figure out what it was. They wanted to know. Maybe Roger had taken their son. They went out of the room and heard voices. They heard two different people whispering. The voices were from a dark and scary tunnel. They looked at each other with panic in their eyes. Then they heard another voice. A familiar one. It was their son’s voice. Mary ran in the tunnel to find her son. Anthony couldn’t believe it was him. He was dead. He tried to believe that maybe it was real when he heard Mary screaming. He ran in the tunnel as she had done before. He ran for a long time but never found his wife. He stopped running. He heard another scream and started running again. He was closer and closer but he didn’t know where he was. He arrived in front of a door. He was going to go in but something stopped him. It was a little and tiny hand on his leg. He turn to see who was touching him and fell back. It was Logan. He still had this big and bloody piece of glass in his head but he was alive. He was awake, moving, he even talked. He told his father to follow him, that he was going to show him where his mother was. Anthony couldn’t say no. He followed his dead but alive son to a terrifying dark room. He looked everywhere but Mary was not anywhere. He turned to ask his son where she was but Logan was not there anymore. Logan and Mary weren’t here but Roger and an old man were. Anthony didn’t understand. He asked Roger what was going on. The old man answered : “Welcome Anthony. May I show you the last room you will ever see.”
One hour later, Anthony was still in the room. He was tied to a chair. He was alone. He didn’t know where Mary was. Everthing was quiet when a scream of pain broke the silence. It was Mary. She screamed for about thirty seconds then stopped. She never screamed again. Anthony heard footsteps coming. Roger opened the door and the old man came in. Anthony was enraged and afraid at the same time. He asked what had happened to Mary and with his cold and creepy voice, the old man answered : “Well young man, your wife is loosing her blood in the room next to this one. She’s brave you know. Brave but unfortunately a little stupid either. But don’t worry, you’ll see her again. When you will be both dead".
- You’re a monster, said Anthony.
- Oh dear. I am a monster. I’m what they call a vampire. That’s why I’m taking your wife’s blood. To drink it. And, don't worry, I’ll take yours too.
- You’re not a vampire, replied Anthony. Vampires don’t exist. They’re imaginary beings, creatures. You, you’re just a madman, a psycopath. ”
Anthony was wrong. The old man was surely mad but he was really a vampire. That’s why there was no fire in the fireplace. That’s why it was always dark in the castle. When Anthony realized he was going to die, he yelled at the old man. Without caring about what he was saying, the old man told Roger to cut Anthony’s wrists.
Mary and Anthony died. Roger put their blood in bowls so the vampire could drink it. The legend says that the two lovers are still looking for each other and that their ghosts meet every evening in the castle hall.
The End