Scary story

Scary story


            In December, I decided to go to my grandmother’s castle. I grew up with her because when I was a baby my parents died in a shipwreck. In November, my grandmother died and she gave me all her inheritance. It was the first time that I went to the castle alone, before we went there just during the holidays. The castle was very big and dark, it was by the ocean. Next to that, there was a hut which seemed desert. When I was a child, I couldn’t go to the ocean alone, I was so terrified, because I felt a presence. My grandmother took my hand and walked with me to show me there was nobody.


            When I arrived in the castle, it was dark. After the long journey, I went to sleep immediately. The following day, I was on the balcony when I heard a song. I listened to that attentively and I thought the girl who was singing had a beautiful voice. I was approaching to the ocean because I wanted to see the singer. But when I arrived, there was nobody.  Perhaps the girl was afraid so she ran away.


            Everyday, I came back to the ocean. I hoped to find her. I always stopped in front of the hut. Maybe it was her home, but I never saw someone. One day, I was in my bedroom when I heard a boat and the same song as last time. The girl wasn’t alone this time, I thought they were three. I ran to the beach to see them. I was hiding behind a tree and when I saw what they were doing,  I was blood-curdling. I was freaked out and I couldn’t move so I have stayed behind the tree for many hours.


            I understood everything now, it was not a myth, the sirens existed. They were living in the hut, near the beach. I had always felt a presence, because there was really someone. They were obeying the ocean. They sang in the ocean, the passengers of the boat must have been obsessed by their voice and must have fallen from the boat in the water. So the sirens are killers. I was sure now they were responsible for my parents death. It was because of them that I had no family.


            During one week, I stayed in the castle, but one day I heard the same voice at the first time. I went to the beach to see the siren. When I arrived, she stopped singing and she looked at me. I said:

            _“Tell me. You are a siren. What did you do there exactly?

            _ “Thirty years ago, I should have died in a shipwreck, but the ocean saved me if I became its mermaid for hundred years. To save my life, I accepted. I was with four other sirens and every month we had to choose a shipwreck. It was awfull and we didn’t like that but we didn't have the choice. And if it was not us, the ocean should choose other sirens, many people would agree to become like us because during one hundred years we always stay young and we are never ill  …”

            While she was talking, I felt a slight tingling sensation, but I was so focused on the story that I didn’t care about it.

            _ “Did my mother know you?  I asked         

            _ “Your mother was a siren! After one hundred years, she became human and she did her life. She met you father… You know the end. The ocean didn’t know your mother was on the boat, it loved your mother, it was very sad to have killed your mother. It was an accident”


            I went everyday on the beach to see her. She never came back. One day, I saw the ocean coming towards me. I was moving back slowly as far as possible until I was blocked by a tree. I had my heart in my mouth. I didn’t want to die like my parents. The water touched my foot and I cried in a fright. The water was rising. I trembled like a leaf. I fell in the water, my head was under the water, I suffocated. Suddenly, the ocean ejected me and threw me against a tree. Frantic, I ran without stopping.


            After that, I was getting sicker. No doctor could find the name of my disease and could cure me. I decided to go and talk to the siren to understand what was happening to me, I found another siren, who said:

            _ “It’s too late. You are finally sick. The siren gave you a shot with poison, when she was talking to you the other day. The siren talked to you because the ocean wanted you to die. You shouldn’t have seen who we are. There isn’t any cure, so enjoy your last days. We kill your parents and now we will kill you. You are stupid to think you can survive. “

I take offence about her last sentence. I came back home to wait for my death.


Lucie Arlais