dans la catégorie Australia
Have you ever visited Uluru?
Uluru is located in central Australia, in Anago land, in the desert.
Uluru is the most beautiful rock in Australia. It's the biggest and largest rock. Uluru is the most magic experience.
There are a lot of different animals, lizards, snakes and mala. The vegetation is the most beautiful, there are a mulga, a striped mintbush, a sturt's desert rose...
There are a big mountains, flowers and dry tree. uluru is red but, it sometimes is pink. The people whe live near Uluru speak the pitjantjitjira and the yankunytjatjara.
You should bring water beacause Uluru is in the desert, and you should take a photo because Uluru is very nice. You can bring a chair to sit and admire the most incredible landscape.
Maurice et Viviane