Dear students of 1L1,

The documents in annex are the final versions of handouts / leaflets listing Belfast tourist sights. 

1/ Some of you don't have their productions included in the handouts, either because it was too short and directly taken from the Internet or because it was already made into a leaflet from the very beginning, and I didn't want to change it !
Unfortunately, since the productions that were left often dealt with the same tourist sights, I could not create another handout.

2/ I had to make new groups so that your leaflets enlisted different tourist venues.
-Group 1 is composed of Marie, Euloge, Axel, Maëva, Océane, Inès
-Group 2 includes Théa, Luce, Mélanie, Erine, Ann-Lie, Zeinabou, Agnès
-Group 3's handout gathers the productions made by Sydney, Clément, Lola, Sarah, Louise, Ambre
-Group 4 is made of Camille, Anthony, Justine, Amy, Myriam, Elodie, Charlotte.

Last but not least, the video below will show you more things to do in Belfast if you are willing to make a trip over there !