
2022 - 2023 › 1ère LLCE

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Kate Williams on Victorian Morality


Dear students in 1LLCE,

Please find attached a video you will have to watch for today's class.
It is one of the two documents that will help you write collectively, with the members of your group, a short encyclopaedic article about Victorian Era (similarly to what Wikipedia does).

Listen carefully and take notes.

Another type of monster: the psychopath.


Dear students in 1LLCE,

You'll find attached three scenes from films or series which all depict/feature/represent psychopaths.

Document A : scene from Dexter (Dexter’s NA confession, Season 2, Episode 3)

Document B : scene from The Shining de Stanley Kubrick (Here’s Johnny !)

Document C: scene from Psycho d’Alfred Hitchcock « Mother is revealed »

Watch the three scenes one after another and make sure you can answer the guiding questions to help you answer the following question for the synthesis (individual work):

Explain how the human being is depicted as a monster in each scene. What are the film techniques and strategies used to highlight the monstrous feature of the characters?

Make sure you introduce each document, briefly sum up each scene and compare & contrast how each psychopath is portrayed.