
2018 - 2019Premières › Witch hunts

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McCarthyism - also nicknamed the Second Red Scare



You will find attached above the Powerpoint Presentation concerning the second part of this unit, revolving around McCarthyism - in other words the Second Red Scare.

Here you'll find the MCQ without the answers if you want to practice: MCQ_McCarthyism.pdf

The GIF below features Wisconsin Senator Joseph McCarthy who was at the origin of the spreading of the "red" paranoia in the United States.


The Crucible - Act III Scene Three


Please find the Youtube link leading to the non-subbed scene from the marvelous play entitled The Crucible written by playwright Arthur Miller.

You'll also find below the worksheet used to make the comprehension of the scene easier.

Salem Witch Trials


Find attached the fill-in-the-blanks exercise you had to do in class revolving around Salem witch trials.


Witches - Cloud of words - 1ES1 Group 2


Here's an online brainstorming. Type all words that come through your mind which revolve around the topic of WITCHES in the input field associated with your house.


Witches - Cloud of words - 1ES1 Group 1


Here's an online brainstorming. Type all words that come through your mind which revolve around the topic of WITCHES in the input field associated with your house.



Witches - Cloud of Words - 1L1 Group 2


Here's an online brainstorming. Type all words that come through your mind which revolve around the topic of WITCHES in the input field associated with your house.


Witches - Cloud of words - 1L1 Group 1


Here's an online brainstorming. Type all words that come through your mind which revolve around the topic of WITCHES in the input field associated with your house.