
2020 - 2021Terminales › 2 - GENET(H)ICS

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The downward slide of gender selection


Dear students in TG4,

In class or from home you have to study these three documents and do your best to write down a synthesis, making sure you are able to answer the following questions:

  • Identify the nature of the documents and introduce them as precisely as possible (title, author, source, date of publishing, etc…)
  • Identify the topic/theme of each document in detail.
  • Explain why each document highlights the downward slide of gender selection.

Find in annex the documents concerned to write down the synthesis, (EDIT: and an example of synthesis with connectors/link words.)

Find also below the Youtube video to watch until 3:05 (the video is Document 1).



You can take a look at all the explanations and the instructions in French on Pronote's school diary (in the contents part, not in the homework part).


A Baby please ! Blond, with Green Eyes...


Dear students in TG4,

After working on the document revealing what the PGD procedure is - Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis -, please find it attached to this article.



Kahoot quiz


Dear students in Terminale G4,

As you probably remember, we started the unit with a Kahoot quiz on basic facts and knowledge about genetics.

You can play the quiz again by copying and pasting this link:

Have fun !