
Activism-related vocabulary - AnswerGarden


Dear students in Terminale,

Here's an online brainstorming. Type all words that come through your mind which revolve around the topic that your group is in charge of in the input field associated with your group.

EDIT: Please find attached a recap version of the clouds of words you made in class.

Group 1 : adjectives describing qualities required to be a good activist


Group 2 : verbs describing actions related to activism / verbs describing different ways of being an activist


Group 3 : nouns describing examples of scourges against which people fight



Group 4 : nouns describing causes for which people can fight



Les bases


Dear students,

Please find attached a document to make you work on grammar bases.
If you're in 1ère or in Terminale, feel free to fill it in and ask me to correct it.


Methodology - How to recap last time's activities


Dear students,

As I told you in class, you will find attached a sheet which tells you about the right way to recap last time's activities.


ETLV - ST2S : Presentation of the subject and exam


Dear 1ST2S students,

Please find attached the PowerPoint presentation that you saw on Monday; in case you don't remember the configuration and the stakes of the oral exam at the end of your year of Terminale. 


Phonemic chart


Dear students,

You must be able to read phonemes (a phoneme is an English vowel or consonant sound) to pronounce new vocabulary words correctly - that is why you will find attached a phonemic chart with examples of easy words to identify each type of sound.



1G, Terminale G et Terminale ST2S - English exams for the baccalauréat


Dear students in 1ère G, Terminale G and Terminale ST2S,

The new "bac" implies new exams which are not necessarily easy to understand; therefore you'll find below a Genially presentation made by a fellow English teacher which clearly explains the type of exams you'll have to take and the different periods of the year when they occur. You'll also find attached a document summarizing English exams for 1G and Terminale G students only.

Besides, if you click on this link - - you'll also find explanations concerning "the great oral exam" that takes place at the very end of the year of Terminale.

Epreuves de bac - récapitulatif pour les élèves de Terminale


Dear students,

What a special year for you ! it's the year by the end of which you'll get graduated !

Please find in annex a PowerPoint presentation which recaps the decisions made concerning last year's exams and briefly sums up the exams you'll have this upcoming year.


Welcome to Mr PHILIPPOT's class !


Dear all,

Welcome to my English class!
I sincerely hope you will spend a mind-blowing year with me as your teacher, as I'm sure you will get yourselves to work if you want to succeed and improve your level of English.

Right below you will find a Youtube video displayed  that I made to introduce the rules you'll have to respect in my class. 

Watch it carefully ! 

Peace Walls in Belfast


Dear students,

You'll find attached the excerpt from the news report revolving around the so-called peace walls in Belfast.

5 events that bloodstained Belfast during the Troubles


As far as this document is concerned, you were separated into five groups and had to find information about one specific event that took place during the Troubles.
The events were:
- Belfast Rioting
- McGurk's Bar Bombing

- Ballymurphy Massacre (also nicknamed Belfast Bloody Sunday)
- Hunger Strikes
- the Shankill Butchers' murders

Once this activity done, you had to ask questions to members of other groups about their events in order to be able to fill in the grid you were previously given in class.

You will find below the five texts and the empty grid, and a song by a band called the Decemberists entitled "The Shankill Butchers".