
5 events that bloodstained Northern Ireland


As far as this document is concerned, you were separated into five groups and had to find information about one specific event that took place during the Troubles.
The events were:
- Belfast Rioting
- McGurk's Bar Bombing

- Ballymurphy Massacre (also nicknamed Belfast Bloody Sunday)
- Hunger Strikes
- the Shankill Butchers' murders

Once this activity done, you had to ask questions to members of other groups about their events in order to be able to fill in the grid you were previously given in class.

You will find below the five texts and the empty grid, and a song by a band called the Decemberists entitled "The Shankill Butchers".



Black Power Salute


Dear students,


The Youtube video below features a legendary moment in the history of sport.

It illustrates Tommie Smith, John Carlos and Peter Norman, the three running athletes on the podium in the 1968 Mexico Olympics, protesting against racial inequality.

Please find attached:

- the three short informative texts and the photograph of the event

- the recap studied in class

Ben Southall's presentation of Best Jobs in the World + different job applications + criteria of assessment of the final projects



Please find below the Youtube link to Ben Southall's video introducing the Best Jobs in the World contest, which features all six jobs you can apply for when you achieve your final project.

You'll also find attached:

- the Word document giving the instructions and criteria of assessment for your oral production (do not forget to save your video as an .avi or .mp4 file and save it on your USB stick on November 4th or post it into my digital pigeon hole (casier numérique) on the ENT
- the video applications made by Juweon, Ben, Marcella and Mitch to show you examples of original applications

Keep in mind that any delay will take points off your final grade. 

Different job experiences abroad


Find attached the document gathering 5 jobs experiences abroad - Wwoofing, language assistantship, house-sitting, hostel employee work and digital nomad jobs - you worked on in groups before writing a synthesis.


The Troubles in Northern Ireland


You will find attached the Powerpoint Presentation used in class which gives you clues about the Troubles. Your task consisted in memorizing as much information as possible to be able to make a definition of this period of events.

How being an au pair makes you attractive to future employers


Find attached the press article dealing with how working as an au pair is a huge asset when you are applying for a job.


South Africa - basic facts to know


Dear students in TG4,

Below you will find in annex a .pdf version of the presentation studied in class, which covers basic facts to know about South Africa.
You'll also find attached the worksheet recapping the presentation.



Obesity - Cloud of words


Dear students in 1ST2S (ETLV),

Here's an online brainstorming. Type all words that come through your mind which revolve around the topic that your group is in charge of in the input field associated with your group.

(EDIT: You'll find attached a recapping worksheet of clouds of words that you'll need to complete as soon as you get new vocabulary)

Group 1 : names describing junk food (brands are forgotten)


Group 2 : adjectives related to weight and physical condition



Group 3 : nouns describing diseases and other consequences of obesity and overweight 


Group 4 : nouns describing causes and factors of obesity and overweight



Group 5 : nouns describing solutions to avoid an increase in obesity rate



Working abroad - Cloud of words


Dear students in 2nde GT,

Here's an online brainstorming. Type all words that come through your mind which revolve around the topic that your group is in charge of in the input field associated with your group.

EDIT: You'll find in annex a recap of all the clouds of words gathered from the classes of 2GT1, 2GT2 and 2GT8.

Group 1 : adjectives describing qualities that seem required for a job


Group 2 : verbs describing actions related to work


Group 3 : nouns describing jobs / professional activities


Group 4 : nouns describing qualities or criteria required for the achievement of a job

Group 5 : nouns describing different things you can bring forward to a potential employer when you apply for a job

Discovering the city of Belfast


Dear students,

You will find attached the worksheet on the fifteen sights in Belfast, with which you played the interaction game. Find also in annex the vocabulary toolbox that you learned for the vocabulary battle game and the presentation with Belfast sights in a .pdf format.

The video below is a short bonus video which gives you the top 10 things to do in Belfast !