I am ready. I waited for that day during my all life and here i am. I take my conditioned behaviour and i mixe up myself to the people in the street. He send me the adress: it is quite close so i have to walk. During my life, i learned to imitate condioned people, since i learned my particularity. They tried on me but it didn't work. I am lucky but now i have to help babies like i was to have the life they want.
I arrive at the adress. This building look like the others but i can guess the inside is not like the others. I knock and then i waited. I ear some noise behind te door and someone open it. He is like i always imagine him: old, tall, just like a leader. He invites me in and talks to me directly: he wants me to enter in the school of the capital with the students visitors. He tells me that the director has something that he wants and my mission is to pick up that thing. He doesn't want to tell me what it is but i understand: i'm the new guy. He packs me some things and this is it: i am a resistant.