Equipes Collège Paul Bert à Chatou - Equipe 2

25 mars 2021

Point d'étape

Description du projet et travaille effectué ces dernières semaines :

▪ Ce projet robotique consiste à trier les déchets pour un enivrement plus durable.

Dans l’équipe 2 on a décidé d'utiliser un robot aligneur (le nôtre) et trois autres robots qui se chargeront de mettre leurs déchets dans leurs bacs.

▪ Dans mon groupe « éco robot » nous avons pour but de mettre en ligne les déchets et pour réussir à les mettre en ligne nous avons pensé à un « chasse-neige » qui permettra de ranger les déchets en ligne pour que les autres robots puissent mettre les déchets dans les bacs respectifs.

▪ Donc durant ces dernières semaines nous avons réfléchi à plusieurs systèmes pour mettre les déchets en ligne droite, mais l’idée qui nous a paru la plus efficace était celle de notre « chasse-neige » qui normalement arrive parfaitement à ranger les déchets en ligne droite et à simplifier la tâche aux autres robots. Matériaux : pour éco-robot.

▪ 2 roues

▪ 1 capteur

▪ 1 moteur


Samuel, Yoan, et Sofia 3C

How to program a robot

During the Math AP course, we work on programming our robots. We learn how to make them perform actions such as move on certain distances in different directions that they must recognize, to turn, or to make a sound.

In the first course, our math teacher explained us what why we were there, in the D11 room, then shew us the bases. At the beginning of each session, she tells us what we must do. A document available on Oze gives the instructions we need. We read them, afterwards we use the application MINDSTORM on computers, where we connect blocks that represent an action in order to constitute the programs.

When we downloaded one on a robot by plugging in a cable, we activate it with the buttons of the brick that serves as the remote control. If the robot acts correctly, we pass to another program. If it do not, we try again, and if we still do not manage to, we can ask for help to the teacher.

We will keep on programming our robots, so that they will work the way we want, and win the Robotyc challenge!

In this picture we are talking about the role of robots, and the distribution of the different zones.



And here we install a sensor, on the robot. Our teacher helps us if we have a problem or a question. And tell us if what we are doing is right.



By: Julie, Gabriel and Irulan

March 2021


Our PSM group must create a clamp that would grip the glass so that the robot can take the pieces of glass with its clamp into the container reserved for the glass. On the clamp we put a color sensor so that it can recognize the green color so that Pilouf will identify the green colored glass. Two students Paul and Nicolas to see us to give some advice on the size of the glass so that it is at the height of the sensor and improve our clamp . After that we have to program the clamp and do some tests.

Point d'étape


During the last seances, we have programmed the robots. Our teachers teach us how to program robots. Now they know how to move forward, go right, go left. We have installed several sensors, such as the color sensor. With this sensor, robots can recognize colours! And there are other sensors, like the infrared sensors, the touch sensor...



In this picture, we are seen installing the sensors.




We also started the parcours of our robots. As can be seen in these pictures.



We reflect on the placement of our robots, waste, and waste bins. The robots must be strategically placed so that their movements are not too difficult. And we are currently choosing the themes of our decors for the parcours !



By: Akiko, Theo, Sarah, Vincent