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11 avril 2016

EDE anglais Workshop A6 05/04/2016

First we did Act 4 scene 1 : Josephine, Lucas A, Marine, Mathilde, Roger and Anaëlle played.  Joe gave some advice to Lucas and Josephine to improve the scene (speak louder, the position, gesturing, emotion, action…). Lucas tried to play a donkey but it was difficult for him. Mathilde and Marine worked on their entrance, Marine did somersault and Mathilde turned around. We practised this scene for 1 hour.

During the second hour we did some games: we walked with eyes closed to help Lucas K, Ninon, Alexia and Tim for their characters because they will have to do that in the play for scene 2.

It was interesting to see the improvement between the last session and this session because the actors played better (they got in the mind of the character).  However, some students didn’t play and it was too long for them.

Marine H and Marie.

29 mars 2016

EDE anglais Workshop B6 29/03/2016

Last Tuesday, we worked on the direction of some scenes. Hanna told us how to walk, talk and act. She gave us some advice on the pronunciation of certain words because a few of them are difficult to say, because it is Shakespeare's language,  and it is complex.

Then we briefly mentioned the costumes that we will be wearing during the performance. Indeed, as we are two different groups working on the same play, some of us have the same role. That is why we need to find a costume which will make the link between the role of the two different actors, so the spectators will not be lost with the characters.

For example, the character of Hermia is played by two girls : Justine and Rania. So they need to wear a dress  the same color or to hold the same prop.

Also, last Friday we went to Paris to see a play called “The Hound of Baskervilles” which is a detective story about Sherlock Holmes’ investigation. It was interesting to see how they managed to transform an old book into a modern play with humor and suspense at the same time. There were only four actors but seven characters which was a nice example for us about playing different roles. 


Astrid & Olaïdé



21 mars 2016


photo_sisters_3.jpg, avr. 2016

Astrid and Pauline with the EITC actors

 Here is an interview of the 2 girls in our class who had a role in the play “Sisters” by EITC. The show was performed at school on Tuesday February 8th. 


Amel & Aline: "So you two was played in the play “Sisters”, so what did you think of this experience?"

Pauline:  "I think it was a very good experience in theatre, and a good practice for our play" (A Midsummer Night's Dream)

Astrid: "It was very interesting to play with professional actors.  They have shown us their way of working and acting so maybe we can use what we have learnt from them for our own play."

Amel & Aline: "Yes, that’s very interesting. So that means that you enjoyed it?

Pauline: "Oh yes it was very funny and I’ve laughed a lot with my friend Astrid!"

Astrid: "I did! I had so much fun playing with Pauline and with the other students! I hope I will do it again!"

Amel & Aline: "Amazing!  But was it stressful?"

Pauline: "A little bit, because we hadn’t much time to rehearse before and there were a lot of people we knew in the audience!"

Astrid: "It is stressful to play in front of people you know … but as I wasn’t alone on the stage, I wasn’t scared when it was my turn to play.

Amel & Aline: "Okay, and what was the best memory of this experience for you?"

Pauline: "I think it’s when we introduced ourselves to  actors and other students."

Astrid: "I think my favourite moment was when we went “banana” during the warm up, it was so ridiculous but really funny."

Amel & Aline :"Great! That’s all for us.Thank you, for your interview!"

Pauline & Asrid: "You’re welcome, take care!"

EDE anglais Workshop B5 15/03/2016

In the last workshop we rehearsed our parts of the play, Hanna helped us with the pronunciation,  the movements and the actions.

We were all really serious and liked it, so we did some choreography  in order for  the play to be more funny and interesting.

At the beginning of the lesson we did some training.  We had to act with the music. For example, if  Hanna put romantic music we had to walk like  romantic people. It was so funny !!!

After we did our parts and listened to the people who said their part, if we wanted we could give some advice on the action.

Aurore Pelletrat

EDE anglais Music and costumes for the play

Anna has to do a monologue for a few minutes. We wanted her to sing it. She agreed because she sings well and she likes it.

Aline and Annaëlle will accompany her with a piano. They will create a melody together. There are other musicians like Timoté, Lucas K or Alexia.

The costumes have to be classical because of the subject of the play.

However, the nobles can wear a crown, chains... The lovers can be in white with red details like flowers or hearts. The fairies can wear green clothes.


Alexandre MALKA

18 mars 2016

EDE anglais Workshop A4 08/03/2016

First, we did warm up games.

We started with “Zip, Zap, Boing!” In that game, we had to be focus on the voice of each other and to be fast and precise. We learned to work as a team and to continue to play even if we made mistakes.

“Show must go on!”

Then, we worked in pairs to pull our partner imagining there was a string between the hand and a part of the body (like the nose) of the other. That game made us put (for example ears, nose, shoulders…) ahead of our body to show if we were proud, powerful or curious.

Finally, these games helped us to interpret our characters according to the different feelings, positions and the speed of the body. For example, if you’re sad you walk slowly and your head is lowered whereas when you’re angry you walk fast and your shoulders are back.

Josephine, Alexia, Anaëlle, Ninon

13 mars 2016

EDE anglais Who is who ? Midsummer Night's Dream 's cast Hanna's group



A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Hanna’s group

Cast List

ACT I, scene 1:

- Theseus: Astrid (also Snout in Act I, scene 2)

- Hippolyta: Olaïde

- Egeus: Aline

- Lysander: • Marine L (from the beginning until EXEUNT ALL BUT LYSANDER AND HERMIA)

                     • Lancelot r  (from EXEUNT ALL BUT LYSANDER AND HERMIA until the end)

- Demetrius:  Lorène

- Hermia:  • Justine  (from the beginning until ENTER HELENA)

                   Rania (from ENTER HELENA until EXIT HELENA)

- Helena: Mona

- Philostrate: Victor  (non speaking part) (also Flute in Act I, scene 2)

ACT I, scene 2:

- Quince: Alix

- Bottom: Thomas

- Flute: Victor (also Philostrate in Act I, scene 1)

- Starveling: Marine L (also Lysander in Act I, scene 1)

- Snout: Astrid (also Theseus  in Act I, scene 1)

- Snug: Lena (also Oberon  in Act II, scene 2)

ACT II , scene 1:

- Oberon: • Eugénie (from the beginning until  EXIT TITANIA)

                   Lena (from EXIT TITANIA until the end)

- Titania: Aurore

- Puck : Alexandre

(also present : a fairy - Oberon’s train – Titania’s train)

ACT II , scene 2:

- Oberon:  Lena  (also Snug  in Act I, scene 2 and Oberon in Act II, scene 1)

ACT V , scene 2: epilogue

- Puck: Anna 




EDE anglais Who is who ? Midsummer Night's Dream 's cast Joe's group

A Midsummer Night’s Dream – Joe’s group

Cast List

Act III scene 1        

BOTTOM   Alissa                             +    Alissa is PYRAMUS in Act V

QUINCE  Pauline

STARVELING  Marine H                        +     MUSTARDSEED    in Act IV

SNOUT Mathilde                   +     fairy in Act IV

FLUTE  Lucie                                          +     fairy in Act IV + THISBE in Act V

SNUG Marie                                          +     LION in Act V (2 lines)            + fairy in ACT IV?


Act III scene 2

HERMIA Alexia                                                                                     +    present in ACT V

HELENA  Ninon                                                                                     +    present in Act V

LYSANDER Timoté                                                                +    1 line in Act V

DEMETRIUS  Lucas K                                                                            +    2 lines in Act V                


Act IV scene 1

TITANIA  Joséphine



PUCK Annaëlle 

FAIRIES  Mathilde, Lucie , Marie,  and Marine H as  MUSTARDSEED (1line)

THESEUS Amel                                                                                     +   ACT V

EGEUS    Pauline? Lucas A?                                


ACT 5 scene 1   




LORDS/ ATTENDANTS   Pauline ?, Annaëlle? Lucas A



WALL  Auréliane




DEMETRIUS  Lucas K aka Bob


EDE anglais Workshop B4 16/02/2016

On the 16th of February,  Hanna was feeling better,  so we could carry on with our rehearsals for the play.  Before rehearsing our roles, we did the usual preparation exercises with a ball and the way we walk, for example like a sumo or like a ballet dancer. Then, each group of students played their scene and we worked a lot about the way that we would incarnate our characters. For example, we decided the gestures that we would have to do and the tone that we would have to speak in.

Marine Le Gac

09 février 2016

EDE Anglais Workshop B3 02/02/16

For the 2nd of February, the group was asked to learn their lines corresponding to the parts they were given. Unfortunately, Hanna, the actress, wasn't present because she was ill. 

As a result, Mme Hue had to take care of the group that day. When the session began, we were asked to act out our parts in front of our classmates. The scenes were acted out in order to practise the first act, the second act and half of the fifth one. This went on for about an hour and a half and we had a great time. This was the first time we had practised all the scenes and it was quite successful.
 Finally, during the last half hour, the whole class discussed how we were going to organize ourselves for the music, the costumes and the setting of the play. All in all, this session was very satisfying!

Thomas Nondin
Victor Quesnay

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