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photo_sisters_3.jpg, avr. 2016

Astrid and Pauline with the EITC actors

 Here is an interview of the 2 girls in our class who had a role in the play “Sisters” by EITC. The show was performed at school on Tuesday February 8th. 


Amel & Aline: "So you two was played in the play “Sisters”, so what did you think of this experience?"

Pauline:  "I think it was a very good experience in theatre, and a good practice for our play" (A Midsummer Night's Dream)

Astrid: "It was very interesting to play with professional actors.  They have shown us their way of working and acting so maybe we can use what we have learnt from them for our own play."

Amel & Aline: "Yes, that’s very interesting. So that means that you enjoyed it?

Pauline: "Oh yes it was very funny and I’ve laughed a lot with my friend Astrid!"

Astrid: "I did! I had so much fun playing with Pauline and with the other students! I hope I will do it again!"

Amel & Aline: "Amazing!  But was it stressful?"

Pauline: "A little bit, because we hadn’t much time to rehearse before and there were a lot of people we knew in the audience!"

Astrid: "It is stressful to play in front of people you know … but as I wasn’t alone on the stage, I wasn’t scared when it was my turn to play.

Amel & Aline: "Okay, and what was the best memory of this experience for you?"

Pauline: "I think it’s when we introduced ourselves to  actors and other students."

Astrid: "I think my favourite moment was when we went “banana” during the warm up, it was so ridiculous but really funny."

Amel & Aline :"Great! That’s all for us.Thank you, for your interview!"

Pauline & Asrid: "You’re welcome, take care!"