Mot-clé - penfriends

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23 septembre 2013


Listen to Sara... ;)

17 septembre 2013

Padlets : cliches about French / American people

You will find the two padlets here:

- Cliches about the French people :

- Cliches about the American people :

09 octobre 2012

Our penfriends' school

Here is their school website :

Penfriends : letters from Australia!!

We have received our first enveloppe from...Australia!! :) And they are very beautiful postcards!! 

Now, it's your turn! Find a postcard from France and write your message. Give information about yourself, about your country... 

26 novembre 2010

Penfriends : you've got mail!

Today, I received some mail for you...some letters from your penfriends! :)

Write a Christmas card before Monday, December 6th and I'll send them just before the Christmas break ;)

11 octobre 2010

The Euro 4 gang !

Here is the picture we're going to send to your pendfriends... >> click on the picture ;)

or...that one?>> click on the picture ;)

Which one do you prefer? Tell us on the blog!

Don't forget you have to send me an e-mail with your presentation to introduce yourself (name, physical description, clothes, where  you are on the picture...). But of course, don't tell your number!! ;)

17 avril 2010

We've got mail!!!

We've just received our penfriends project " Ma ville, Mon école!"

You'll discover them after the holidays!!

Happy holidays!!

10 février 2010

Letters to your penfriends!

Comme je vous l'ai expliqué, on va lancer un projet commun avec les vous en parlerai la semaine prochaine....

Mais si vous souhaitez envoyer une lettre individuelle à votre correspondant, je ferai un envoi groupé en fin de semaine prochaine, juste avant les vacances.

Donc si vous souhaitez que j'envoie vos lettres, vous pouvez venir me les déposer en salle 101 oui dans mon casier...avant jeudi 18/2.

Faite passer le message à vos camarades.

See you next week,

Mrs Gy

03 février 2010

You've got mail!!!

You have just received the letters from your penfriends!! Great!!

You can see some of them on the school website!

Apparently, they all looovvveee the band "JLS" from the "X factor show"... Did you konw them?

Well...I didn't, so I've found this for you... Enjoy! ;)

We're going to start a new project with them...I'll tell you about it next week...Be patient! ;)

09 décembre 2009

Our picture!

Here's the picture we'll send our penfriends ;)

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