21 juin 2011
C'est fini....pour cette année!
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 21 juin 2011, 23:30
21 juin 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 21 juin 2011, 23:30
10 avril 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 10 avril 2011, 21:41
Le blog se met en mode vacances... avec un peu d'humour!
Rdv à la rentrée!!
02 mars 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 02 mars 2011, 17:24
Discover france through a different point of view : clichés and stereotypes!
31 janvier 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 31 janvier 2011, 21:04
Chose promise, chose due !!
Voici donc en annexe, une petite liste de film à louer en DVD pour découvrir la culture anglosaxonne avec plaisir!!
Cette liste est loin d'être exhaustive, n'hesitez à nous faire part de vos trouvailles dans les commentaires...
Bons films!!
Mme Gy
26 novembre 2010
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 26 novembre 2010, 10:39
Vous avez découvert le site internet Audiolingua (http://www.audio-lingua.eu/) en écoutant une compréhension orale de Deirdre (irlandaise) sur le thème des réseaux sociaux et de Facebook en particulier. (http://www.audio-lingua.eu/spip.php?article1043)
Pourquoi pas participer à ce site collaboratif nous aussi? Je vous propose, si vous le souhaitez, de vous enregistrer sur le thème de Noël en français et de m'envoyer vos enregistrements par mail : teachermrsgy@yahoo.fr
Je vous propose plusieurs thèmes:
- le meilleur cadeau de noël que j'ai jamais eu,
- comment nous fêtons Noël dans ma famille,
- ce que je voudrais pour Noël cette année
- ou d'autres thèmes qui vous inspirent en lien avec Noël...
Rapportez moi l'autorisation signée et je vous mettrai en ligne sur le site ;)
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 26 novembre 2010, 08:00
Today is a special day for our guest star Sara.... It's her 26th birthday!! :)
20 novembre 2010
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 20 novembre 2010, 12:07
Here is what you wrote about our special guest last week :
- Her name is Sarah Greenberg, she's 24 but she will be 25 in November. She- Her name is Sara. She's talk french but english is his first language
because Sara live in New work .
Sara was a french teacher at New work. Sara favorite book américan is langowo .She's favoite music is bixie chird .
She's got one dog ,his dog is called cringer. (Léa)
- Her name is Sara Greenberg . She is 25 years hold but
she will be 26 in september. Sara lives in Paris but she come's from New York.
She speaks english. She is a french teatcher in Manhattan. Her favorite film is
I ron man and her favorite band is Dixie Chicks. She loves french fries ,salade
and cuypacke. She loves riding too. She likes Natalie Portan. Sara has got a
yorkshire terrier, it's a dog. It's name is Gingen and it is hold. (Manon)
- she's name is Sara Greenberg, she lives in New York in Manathan, his food prefer is cupcakes,
and she likes look at movie,she has got a YorkShire it's name is Ginger,his singer prefer
is Dixie Chiks. (Antoine)
Sara likes watch the TV and the film. Her favorite film is IRON MAN one and two but she very likes IRON MAN one.
Sara likes read the books and listen to music. Her favorite music it's Lady Gaga and her favorite book it's Pagariak.
Her favorite celebrities are:Natalie Portman and Johny Depp
She has got a dog . It's a Yorkshire.Her name it's Ginger.It is very old.
She likes her président Barack Obama. (Thomas C)
- Sara Greenburg,
24 years old, leaves in Paris but from in New York in Manhattan.
She is a french teacher in New York. She was born in Washington,the capital of
the USA.
Her favourit celebrity is Johnny Depp and she loves the movie: Iron Man.She has
got a dog nammed Ginger. (Romain)
- Her name is Sara Greenberg and She's 24
years old.
She's American.
She comes from New York in a west village of Manathan.
She was born in Washington D.C.
She's got a dog. His name is Ginger and He's a Yorkshire Terrier.
She is a french teacher in New York.
She loves read and Her favorite book is Pergorio.
Her favorite band in usa is Dexie Chicks and her favorite
singer in french is Christophe Maé.
Her favorite movie is IRON MAN.
She saw the statue of liberty and lots of celebrities.
Her favorites celibrities are Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp. (Aude)
- Sara lives in Paris but she was born in New-York. She is a French teacher, she’s 24 years old. She lived in New-York, in Washington D.C. She has a dog his name is Ginger.
After her jogging, she likes going to the statue of Liberty. Her favorite movie is Iron Man and her favorite band is Dixie Chicks. Her favorite celebrities are Johnny Depp and Natalie Portman. She loves French-fries and cupcakes. She likes dogs :Yorkshire and Terrier
She enjoys American people because they always smiling and they helps you if you have a map in your hands (it’s an example).But the French people are more distant.(Florence)
- Her name is Sara, she is 24 yearsold. She's not French but lives now in Paris. She comes from New York Manhattan, she is a French teacher in New York. Her favourite film is Iron man. Her favourite band is Dixie Chicks, her favourites celebrities is Natalie Portman and Johny Depp, She has got a small dog call Ginger, it is a Yorshire Terrier, it's a girl.
Sara's surname is GREENBERG. (Sandrine)
- Her name is Sara and She is 34 years old. She live in Paris. She is a FrenchTeacher in Winchester D.C. She loves reed books and loves Natalie Portman
and Johnny Depp. She has got a dog. Her name is Ginger. (Marine)
- Her name is Sara Greenberg.She speaks english and she is 25 year old. She was born in Manhattan in the november of 1985.She is a french teacher in New York.Her favourite music is dixie chicks.Her favourite movie is is Iron Man.Her favorite foods are chips and salad.Her favourite actors are Jonny Depp and Natalie Portman.She has got a dog named ginger.She has got brown hair,a black vest,a blue and white t shirt and black trousers. (Thomas F)
- Her name is Sarah Grennberg.She has twenty for years old .She live in Paris but she come from New York (manhattan) ,she was born in washington D.C (District of Columbia) sarah is a french teatcher .she loves Iron man 1 and she has a dog , a Yorkshire terrier. (Constant)15 novembre 2010
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 15 novembre 2010, 19:46
Today, you had a special guest in Euro 4!!
The pictures are on the website here:
http://www.clg-leracinay-rambouillet.ac-versailles.fr/spip/spip.php?article58127 août 2010
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 27 août 2010, 00:48
Bienvenue sur le Blog de la section européenne anglais du Collège Le Racinay ! Ce blog est crée pour vous, de manière à ce que vous ayez accès à tous les documents que nous allons étudier en classe cette année (fichiers audios, vidéos...) N'oubliez donc pas de mettre l'adresse dans vos favoris / marques-pages, de manière à pouvoir le consulter régulièrement. Mme Gy