Here is the Romain's show and tell about...Corsica!
That was the last show and tell of the year...See you next year!
30 mai 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 30 mai 2011, 12:36
Here is the Romain's show and tell about...Corsica!
That was the last show and tell of the year...See you next year!
27 mai 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 27 mai 2011, 18:05
Here is Kevin's show and tell about...a luxurous car!
On Monday, it will be the last show and tell of the year!! Good luck Romain ;)
21 mai 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 21 mai 2011, 12:22
Here is Louise's show and tell about her....lobster!
Next week, Kevin's turn!
PS: pas de vidéo en ligne pour ce show and tell car le fichier est trop lourd...4min36 ;)
13 mai 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 13 mai 2011, 18:14
Here is Elise Show and tell about...her mobile phone!
Next week, Louise's turn!
06 mai 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 06 mai 2011, 17:16
Here is Andrea's show and tell about her...postcard from LA!
Next week, Elise's turn!
02 mai 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 02 mai 2011, 19:38
Here is Marine 's show and tell about...her cap!
On Friday, Andréa's turn!
01 avril 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 01 avril 2011, 19:58
Here is Thomas P's show and tell about...Master Yoda!
The "next show and tell" will be after our trip to England and after the holidays!! ;)
26 mars 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 26 mars 2011, 15:33
Here is Paul's show and tell about...his speed ball cup!
Do you know this sport? I didn't!
Next time...Thomas P! ;)
18 mars 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 18 mars 2011, 16:31
Here is Aude's show and tell about...her necklace!
Next week, Paul's turn! ;)
11 mars 2011
Par Elisa Gy (Collège Le Racinay, Rambouillet (78)) le 11 mars 2011, 17:59
Here is Heloise's show and tell about...her music box!
Next week, Aude's turn!
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